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What do the Warts of HPV Look Like & How to Get Rid of HPV?

What is HPV?

HPV or Human Papilloma Virus infection is known for causing warts in the whole body. This infection is categorized as STD or sexually transmitted disease. If this disease is not treated properly, it can lead to cancer. To get rid of HPV and to diagnose or identify this condition, understanding what it looks like is essential. For treating HPV, proper understanding of the symptoms is a must. When symptoms are identified, getting rid of HPV is easier with vaccination.

This guide talks about what HPV looks like and ways to get rid of HPV through vaccinations and surgeries.

How Does HPV Spread?

Also known as human papilloma virus, HPV is caused when the person comes in touch with somebody who has already been suffering from HPV. This virus infects a person when they have come in touch with a patient already suffering from HPV and includes the following causes:

  • Anal sex.
  • Oral sex.
  • Vaginal sex.

Mostly sexually active persons catch infections caused by HPV. When a person has warts, it is a probable sign that HPV infection has occurred. A person who is already suffering from HPV infection can pass on this ailment to others as this can spread easily on skin-to-skin basis.

What do the Warts of HPV Look Like?

What do the Warts of HPV Look Like?

HPV gets manifested as warts across whole body which can include your joints, elbows and moist skin around the anus. The warts in HPV are flesh-colored or gray colored. The spread of warts is common in both men and women. It is this formation of warts, which is a vital indication of HPV.

The Warts of HPV look like:

  • The warts of HPV are raised in appearance.
  • The warts of HPV look like cauliflower in shape.
  • The warts of HPV can be flat, which are other manifested forms of HPV.

Does HPV Infection Cause Other Diseases?

HPV infection also causes the following types of diseases, which include:

How to Get Rid of HPV?

To get rid of HPV, many vaccinations are available. However, to use the HPV vaccination, one needs to understand how HPV looks like. That is, understanding of the symptoms is a must and based upon this understanding one can get rid of HPV. Vaccinations for HPV are available which treat the patient effectively. HPV vaccinations provide early healing and early recovery. For preventing infections caused by HPV virus, HPV vaccination is used extensively for women who are suffering from cervical cancer. As HPV looks differently in children and women, the application of vaccine may differ.

Vaccination for HPV is provided to young kids to insulate them from HPV. The female kids and women who are not sexually active have more benefits of this vaccination; therefore doctors recommend to get it early in life. Boys also suffer from penile cancer and health protection is a must to shun-off any unhygienic growth leading to cancer.

Getting Rid Of HPV Through Vaccinations

Many variants of HPV vaccines are present, which also come with some pros and cons and patient needs to be aware of that. Some of the side effects of HPV vaccine include complications like fever and joint pain along with headache, tiredness, nausea and pain.

Given below are HPV vaccination, which help in getting rid of HPV:

  • Gardasil 9
  • Gardasil
  • Cervarix

Tests Done to Identify and Get Rid of HPV

When HPV shows no symptoms, like in case of women, cervix is checked by taking swab cells and is analyzed to find the type of HPV. In men, different tests are conducted for finding out the causation of HPV.

  • Pap tests: These are carried out to see cancer traces in women.
  • Colposcopy: To check if cancer is present in cervix, vulva and vagina.

Surgical Procedures to Get Rid of HPV

  • LEEP or Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure to Get Rid of HPV: This procedure removes the abnormal cell growth by using electric current and also to treat various forms of HPV infections.
  • Laser Therapy to Get Rid of HPV: Laser is used to remove the abnormal cell growth in HPV.
  • Cryotherapy to Get Rid of HPV: In cryotherapy, the abnormal cells are frozen using liquid nitrogen and render the abnormal cells of HPV ineffective.
  • Conization to Get Rid of HPV: Conization or cone biopsy procedure can be done to remove the abnormal cells present in HPV.

Methods Used For Removing HPV Genital Warts

For removing the genital warts, which develop due to HPV, the following methods are used:

  • Trichloroacetic acid.
  • Surgical removal through scalpel.
  • Electrocautery.
  • Podofilox (Condylox).
  • Imiquimod (Aldara).
  • Cryotherapy freezes off the wart with liquid nitrogen.
  • A laser can also be used to vaporize the HPV warts.
  • Ointments can also be used to remove the HPV warts.


HPV looks like a general spread of the prominent warts and can spread across the whole body. For getting rid from HPV, a combination of surgical procedures and medications is a must. If HPV warts are spread prominently across the whole body, many treatments should be combined for getting rid from HPV.

Vaccinations shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy and these injections are effective for only a specific time limit. When the disease has reached magnanimous proportions, surgical removal becomes a must. But if your body doesn’t allow getting rid of HPV surgically, then seeking other treatments becomes essential.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 28, 2023

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