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Commonest Causes of Pain in Toe at Night & Ways to Get Rid of it

Many people commonly experience pain in toe at night and often complain that the toe suddenly goes through excruciating cramping at night. The tingling numbness steals away the power of putting the foot down and walk. Such problems are often ignored, however, if pain in toe at night continues for long, it needs to be attended. Let us understand some of the commonest causes of pain in toe at night and ways to get rid of it.

Toe cramps and pain in toe at night can be due to varying causes, excessive walking and dehydration, wearing misfit shoes, deficiencies of varying minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium trigger toe pain.

Commonest Causes of Pain in Toe at Night

Commonest Causes of Pain in Toe at Night

Some of the commonest causes of toe pain at night include the following:

  • Overwork or intense exercises are the common causes of pain in toe at night. During intense workout maximum minerals drain away through sweat. This can easily cause muscle contraction and result in muscle cramps. When you overexert your toe or overstrain the toe and feet muscles, you are likely to experience cramps during night. Cramps and pain are a ways through which the nerves and muscles tell you that they are overstrained and exhausted.
  • Wearing tight fitting or ill-fitting shoes is another commonest cause of pain in toe at night. Restricted blood flow that develops on wearing tight shoes, toe paining may arise. Wearing tight shoes or socks, blood vessels mostly remain restricted, which triggers pain in night.
  • Age factor can also be the cause of toe cramps and pain in toe at night. The people in 50s are likely to lose calcium in bones and weaken the bones, thus causing the cramps. Osteoporosis in menopausal women is another common cause of pain in toe at night.
  • Other causes of pain in toe at night can also include medical conditions like arthritis and gout, or infection.

Other Conditions and Causes of Toe Pain at Night

Apart from these common causes, there are some health conditions that too can cause toe pain at night.

  • Peripheral Neuropathy: In peripheral neuropathy, it is common to have some numbness in the toe and also in the entire feet. It is also one of the important causes of pain in toe at night. While walking around, the pain gradually subsides, but again comes back when you are lying down. Peripheral neuropathy is an expression of many clinical disorders such as diabetes, immune disorders, vitamin deficiency and even cancer. This disorder triggers disruption in the functioning of nerves in the foot or ankle area. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate the condition properly and get appropriate treatment.
  • Pinched Nerve: A pinched nerve is one of the crucial conditions that results from various health problems and even cause many complications. It is possible that there is nerve entrapment in the lower part of the body but the pain reaches the leg and foot along the sciatic nerve thus generating pain. Pinched nerve may happen for sitting in same position for prolong time span. It is often seen in conditions of the spine, intervertebral disc problems, injuries and infections of the spine or joints and muscles in the legs.
  • Morton’s Neuroma: The condition of thickening of tissues is known as Morton’s Neuroma; often this can be one of the possible causes of pain in toe at night. When the third or fourth bones of the toe is pinched as an effect the nerve is pinched. Inflammation in nerve can cause great tingling and burning sensation. This pain may worsen at night. In such situation ill-fitting shoes can trigger bunions, mallet toes or hammertoes, which too are some of the causes of pain in toe at night.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome: Some people tend to move the legs frequently, jerking the legs and feet, even during the night, which is identified as restless leg movement. It may be sometimes difficult to diagnose restless legs syndrome and it is often ignored by many people. Researchers prove that dopamine imbalance can cause such conditions. This health condition often triggers toe paining in night thus interfering with your sound sleep.

While these are the possible causes of pain in toe at night, the treatment often depends on the exact cause. Knowing some ways to get rid of pain in toe at night can also help in managing the condition.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Pain in Toe at Night

Here are some of the effective ways to get rid of pain in toe at night.

Massaging: For many people, massaging turns out to be very effective. Massaging can be done by gently pressing the painful area with the fingers. The touch should be hard and soft, based upon which compression works in reducing pain, massaging should be carried forward. Massage is known to lessen down the muscle tension, which gradually relaxes them and helps boost blood flow.

Stretching: The simple flexion and extension of paining toe can reduce the pain in toe at night significantly. The stretching exercises of the leg and ankle also increase the blood flow to the toe and thus decrease the pain. Simple stretching can be done by extending the legs in the front and moving the ankle up and down. Standing on the toe also helps to stretch the calf muscles and strengthens the foot area. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of pain in toe at night.

Hot or Cold Compresses: Application of ice packs or warm compresses, can help relax the muscles of foot. Using contrast warm and cold pack for few minutes is also of great help. Ice packs on the painful area help to control inflammation and reduce swelling and pain in toe. This is one of the important effective ways to get rid of pain in toe at night.

Vinegar: Vinegar contains acetic acid which helps the body in making acetylcholine, which is one of the best neurotransmitter that helps in improving the muscle functionality. So the more acetylcholine, the better muscle function can be traced. Apple cider vinegar also helps a lot.

Fluid Intake: As dehydration is one of the causes of foot cramps, fluid intake is certainly the one of the best ways to get rid of pain in at night. When there is excessive sweating the essential minerals drain away gradually, so there is loss of calcium and salt, together with potassium. So, taking supplements is a good way to make up for the mineral deficiency. Supplements are best taken with medical advice.

Toe Stretchers: Toe stretchers can help in easing pain. By wearing the toe stretcher your pain will gradually be reduced. The stretcher helps in bone alignment and also balances the muscle tension. It is an effective way to get rid of pain in toe at night and is best used with expert’s advice.

Taking Tea: Chamomile tea, green tea can relax the body and mind, thus effective to get rid of pain in toe at night. This is particularly more useful in case of muscle cramps, nerve problems and restless leg syndrome.

These are simple home remedies and ways to get rid of pain in toe at night. However, if these do not seem to work or if the pain continues for long, it is important to seek medical advice and plan appropriate treatment.


  1. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Restless Legs Syndrome https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/restless-legs-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377168
  2. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Morton’s Neuroma https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16708-mortons-neuroma
  3. National Institute on Aging. (2018). Osteoporosis https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/osteoporosis
  4. American Diabetes Association. (2021). Peripheral Neuropathy https://www.diabetes.org/diabetes/complications/neuropathy

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 19, 2023

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