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What Is The Major Cause Of Neuroma?

Do you feel pain or tingling sensation near your foot’s ball area as similar to any small pebble below your shoe? Do you consistently feel pain and it increases while you perform any physical activity? If yes, you are suffering from Morton’s Neuroma. The problem of Morton’s Neuroma takes place whenever the inner tissue of your foot becomes thick next to the metatarsal bone leading to your toes. The pressure against your nerve causes its irritation and forces you to feel pain or burning sensation.

What Is The Major Cause Of Neuroma?

What Is The Major Cause Of Neuroma?

Squeezing And Irritation Of Digital Nerve. Morton’s Neuroma mainly takes place due to squeezing and irritation of your small nerve referred as plantar digital nerve, as it causes sensation to the space between the available toes. The nerve runs very close towards the supporting ligament of your forefoot i.e. inter-metatarsal ligament running across your forefoot bone areas. As your nerve runs below your transverse intermetatarsal ligament in the ball area of your foot, it traps and squeezes against the respective ligament.

Squeezing Of The Nerve Thickens It To Cause Pain. A consistent pressure on the respective nerve creates irritation and its recurrence becomes chronic, leading to fibrosis in your nerve and thickens it. The problem is that the fibrotic and thickened nerve further compresses your nerve cells to cause you a huge pain. Even the pain becomes intense to avoid walking or bearing heavy weight.

Factors To Contribute Morton’s Neuroma

Other than thickening of the digital nerve due to squeezing and irritation, an individual may suffer from the condition of Morton’s Neuroma because of different factors. These include the following-

Involvement In Specific Sports. Participation in any type of high-impact athletic activity, like running or jogging may result in the problem of repetitive trauma. Moreover, sports featuring tight shoes, like rock climbing and snow skiing shoes put pressure on the toes.

Wearing Of Ill Or Tight Fitting Heels And High Heels. Wearing of ill or tight fitting heels and high heels puts extra pressure on the toes and the ball area of the foot; this triggers your Morton’s Neuroma problem.

Deformities Of Your Foot. People with hammertoes, bunions, flatfeet and high arches remain at a relatively higher risk to develop Morton’s Neuroma.

Symptoms Of Morton’s Neuroma

Any individual suffering from Morton’s Neuroma experiences tingling between the toes. Later on, the problem leads to-

  • Tingling becomes strong with time
  • Feeling of shooting pains across the ball area of the affected foot or base area of toes
  • Feeling as the presence of pebble in the shoe or bunching up of socks.
  • Toes may feel numb or burn
  • Pain or discomfort becomes worse while you wear shoes squeeze the feet or walk
  • Pain eases off during the night time.


To conclude, we should say that Morton’s Neuroma problem takes place because of thickening of digital nerves or irritation in the metatarsal bones. However, there are many factors, which trigger your condition further.


  1. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Morton’s Neuroma https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mortons-neuroma/symptoms-causes/syc-20351935
  2. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (n.d.). Morton’s Neuroma https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases–conditions/mortons-neuroma/
  3. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Morton’s Neuroma https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17558-mortons-neuroma

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2023

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