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How Does It Feel When The Hip Is Out Of Place?

What Do We Mean When We Say That The Hip Joint Is Out Of Place And What Causes It?

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. If the ball of the joint, which is the femoral head, moves out of the socket, which is the acetabulum, then it is termed as hip dislocation.1 This is what is meant when we state that the hip joint is out of place. If the hip joint moves out of its normal place then it should be taken as a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. If the condition remains untreated then it may result in significant damage to the ligaments and tendons attached to the hip joint or may cause nerve damage.

The primary cause for the hip going out of its place is a trauma due to a slip and fall. Certain motor vehicle accidents tend to also result in the hip getting out of its place. Once the hip joint moves out of its place then there is every chance that it may reoccur in the future.

How Does It Feel When The Hip Is Out Of Place?

How Does It Feel When The Hip Is Out Of Place?

In majority of the cases when the hip moves out of its place then there will be a visible bump or a bruise. There may also be discoloration in the area of the hip joint. The hip joint may also look disfigured. The affected individual will not be able to move the hip at all due to pain with any sort of movement.

In the event of the hip getting out of its place, it will be almost impossible to get up from a sitting position or ambulate to any significant degree. The individual may experience numbness and tingling around the hip joint region.

In conclusion, when the ball of the hip joint moves out of its socket then it is said that the hip has moved out of its place. In medical terms this condition is called as dislocation of the hip joint. This is usually caused by a direct trauma or fall on the hip region. Dislocate hip should be taken as a medical emergency and treated immediately to prevent any sort of damage to the tendons, ligaments, or nerves as a result of the hip being out of its place.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 1, 2019

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