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Can Osgood Schlatter Cause Problems Later In Life & Does It Require Surgery?

It is quite familiar with young sports-people and soccer players to grumble of knee pain. Several parents set aside this as growing discomforts or justify them as a consequence of strenuous workout. Occasionally though, the pain is acute enough that an appointment to a doctor is required.

In many instances, the doctor will detect OSD or osgood schlatter disease. OSD is a disorder concerning the patellar tendon and its attachment to the lower limb bone. This leaves these youngsters at greater probability of more potential injury later in life.

Can Osgood Schlatter Cause Problems Later In Life?

Osgood schlatter disease is triggered by biomechanical components and will generally react quickly to proper conventional treatment. During several instances, when a young athlete demonstrates with frontal knee pain, an analysis of the knee for swelling and soreness may immediately detect this diagnosis.

The process cycle is severe and most likely to relapse over months to several years, however, often goes away after the teenage. In certain cases, the signs may prolong after adolescence, or tend to relapse when the youth starts a fresh sport or athletic practice.

When the osgood schlatter disease is not treated appropriately there is an increased risk of adult problems that may arise later in life. When treated in the initial stages, properly and controlled conventionally, this disease shows no long-lasting effects on sports participation.

However, the bump can continue to some extent all over your child’s lifetime, but it doesn’t typically affect knee performance. On rare occasions, osgood schlatter disease can produce the growth plate to be pulled away from the shinbone.

A study was conducted to review the association between childhood or early adulthood risk factors and knee pain. This was retrieved from searches of computerized databases and manual searches. High body mass index (BMI) and/or overweight status from childhood to adulthood were independently related to knee pain and osgood schlatter disease in later life. However, certain theories show childhood malalignment, socioeconomic status, and physical abuse are related to osgood schlatter disease.1.2

Importance Of Surgery In The Treatment Of Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood Schlatter disease is a common syndrome with frequent incidents resolving naturally with skeletal development. Youths with persistent indicators may require surgical treatment if they fall short to react to conventional procedures.

The common treatment for Osgood Schlatter disease and its related knee discomfort entails getting time off from the action that renders the pain harsher, employing ice and make use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment for osgood schlatter disease seldom necessitates surgery.3

Requiring surgery for osgood schlatter disease is perhaps rare, as in almost all incidents of the disease, it resolves on its own with sufficient rest. Other forms of treatment are perhaps cheaper when compared to surgery. Using these more conservative measures usually prevents surgery from being needed at all.

The Osgood Schlatter disease surgery is usually performed only in adults since the syndrome usually goes away in children and surgery could injure the growth plate region.

The surgery eliminates the bone pieces that are triggering the inflammation of the tendon. By eliminating the bone parts, the knee can operate completely with no pain. The surgery is not a cosmetic technique, therefore, if you had a knob on your knee before, it won’t certainly resolve after surgical procedure. Patients can presume to be entirely pain-free after the treatment since there is an extreme success rate of the syndrome and associated symptoms being removed.

With the appropriate treatment procedure and surgery, the patient can anticipate being operational and pain-free in a few months.4,5


  1. Appropriate Care for a Common Knee Condition: Osgood-Schlatter https://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=55928
  2. Do early life factors affect the development of knee osteoarthritis in later life: a narrative review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5022173/
  3. Long-term outcome of Osgood-Schlatter disease: Not always favorable https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233941502_Long-term_outcome_of_Osgood-Schlatter_disease_Not_always_favorable
  4. Osgood-Schlatter Disease Surgery for Adults & What to Expect After https://www.braceability.com/blogs/articles/osgood-schlatters-surgery
  5. What is the role of surgery in the treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD)? https://www.medscape.com/answers/1993268-112554/what-is-the-role-of-surgery-in-the-treatment-of-osgood-schlatter-disease-osd

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 1, 2020

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