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How Do You Massage A Knot Out Of Your Neck?

A knot on your neck basically is a trigger point as a result of muscle tightening or rather muscle tension. Muscle knots are usually hard, sensitive areas of muscle that tighten and contract even when the muscle is at rest. A day or two of rest will make the knot go away, but a continuous injury to the muscle can result in pain that does not go away. A knot in your neck could be as a result of overusing your muscle or injury to the muscle, being hunched over the computer keyboard for a long time, and poor posture. Also, stress and anxiety, poor eating habits, as well as dehydration can lead to a knot in your muscle. Although muscle knots could affect any muscle in your body, trigger points around your neck, shoulders, and back are most common.[1] [2]

How Do You Massage A Knot Out Of Your Neck?

How Do You Massage A Knot Out Of Your Neck?

To get rid of a trigger point in your neck which does not seem to relax no matter what, you had a need to de-stress the muscle. You can do so by massaging the knot out of your neck through rubbing it off so as to loosen up the tightness in the muscle.[1] Massage therapy will increase circulation and blood flow to the affected area, which can help loosen the muscle and improve muscle function. Various massages you can try out include; self-massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sports massage therapy.

When you are doing a self-massage, concentrate on loosening the tightness on the muscle by pressing firmly on the trigger point, then massaging the area in small circles using your fingers. Start by finding the tight spot(s) in your neck, then use your fingers to press firmly on those spots. Repeat the massage for about five minutes, and five or six times a day.[3] Since many trigger points in the neck are found along the base of your skull, press your fingertips into the center, then move towards your ears, say in half-inch increments. When you spot a painful sore area, press into it and hold, then rock your head to the front and back. Repeat the process until the pain in that area reduces on a daily basis until the muscle knot relaxes completely.[4]

If you have several knots in your neck, then a Swedish massage would be more appropriate. This massage technique involves gentle long strokes, kneading, and deep circular movements on the affected muscle. As for a deep massage, the strikes are more forceful so as to get rid of any chronic muscle tension in your neck region. It targets the deeper muscle layers as well as the connective tissues. Finally, sports massage therapy is suitable for athletes who’ve had muscle injury as a result of their sporting activity.[2]

Other Ways Of Relieving Muscle Knots

If the trigger point in your neck is painful, you can also try anti-inflammatories to soothe the hurting muscle. Also, a heating pad or ice pack will be helpful. Finding the root of the knot in your muscle, that is the cause behind the muscle tension, is essential so that you can correct it. It could be a poor posture or an awkward position while sleeping or at work. If that’s the case, then you can adopt a better posture and make adjustments with regard to your working or sleeping positions. Being active can also help with relieving muscle knots. Try aerobic exercises, jumping jacks, swimming, and any other exercise activities that will involve the muscles around your neck and shoulders.[1]


Muscle knots are common, and especially in the neck, around the shoulders, and on your back. If it is a one-time knot, then enough rest will help clear the knot. Otherwise, a massage targeting the direct area can help relieve the muscle tension. You had a need to massage the area over and over several times a day for a period of time. The idea is to locate the knot, then work it through either by firmly massaging it in circular movements or with your fingertips firmly rooted on the spot, move your head back and forth.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 18, 2020

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