What is Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes?
Pediatric type 1 diabetes is a condition in kids where the pancreas do not secrete enough insulin to absorb the sugar of the body. It is vital to replenish this inadequate insulin in the body. Pediatric type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes.
After the diagnosis of pediatric type 1 diabetes, the child and parents may to go through the emotional trauma. It is sheer overwhelming to insert injections considering the age of the child, evaluate the quantity of the carbohydrates along with the tracking of the sugar in the blood.
Pediatric type 1 diabetes should be strictly monitored by the adults, however, advanced blood sugar tracking and administration of insulin would go a long way in making the whole process a little easier.
Causes of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes
It is not possible to pinpoint a single cause for pediatric type 1 diabetes. Once the child is affected by pediatric type 1 diabetes, the immune system produces antibodies against the islet cells located in the pancreas. As a result, the cells are not able to generate required insulin. One of the reasons for the cause of pediatric type 1 diabetes could be genetic abnormalities that would be triggered in the wake of virus attack on the body.
Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes
Pediatric type 1 diabetes can quickly manifest into the child with numerous signs as well as symptoms:
- Frequent urination and an increased thirst is the primary symptom of pediatric type 1 diabetes. If the level of sugar increase in the blood of the children, the fluid accumulated in the tissue is drained out. As a result, kids would feel thirsty and may urinate more often than normal.
- Extreme hunger might be a sign of pediatric type 1 diabetes. If the insulin is not available, the sugar cannot be absorbed by the cells, therefore the muscles along with other organs are devoid of energy. It results in lots of hunger.
- Another symptom of pediatric type 1 diabetes is weight loss. Although kids would be feeding on a lot of food, they lose weight. In some case, the rate of reduction is very fast. Devoid of energy, the muscles lose the mass and fat is also lost. Therefore, the body experiences weight reduction.
- Fatigue is a common symptom of pediatric type 1 diabetes. When the cells are not getting required sugar, the child might feel fatigue and may not work properly.
- A symptom of pediatric type 1 diabetes is unusual or irritability behavior. Children may suddenly seem moody or irritable.
- Blurred vision is also an indication of pediatric type 1 diabetes. In the case of high blood sugar, the fluid located inside the lenses within the eyes is drained out causing a decrease in the vision. As a result, the focus would decrease.
- Girls suffering from pediatric type 1 diabetes cause yeast infection in the genitals. In addition, rashes occur on the skin of the babies due to diapers and yeast.
Risk Factors for Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes
Although risk factors have not been identified but some are suspected to cause pediatric type 1 diabetes:
- A family history of pediatric type 1 diabetes is a major risk factor. Children whose siblings or parents suffering from pediatric type 1 diabetes are exposed to the risk of the disease.
- Relevant genes are known to cause the disease of pediatric type 1 diabetes. Clinical diagnosis can be done to ascertain whether the family history of diabetes might make the child at risk to the problem.
- Exposure to certain viruses is a possible risk factor for pediatric type 1 diabetes. Different types of viruses are the most important risk factors suspected to cause the disease. Some of them include rubella or the deadly coxsackie virus.
- Low levels of vitamin D is also a possible factor of risk. According to the researchers, Vitamin D can control the instances of pediatric type 1 diabetes nevertheless milk of the cow is known to result in the occurrence of the disease if it is given too early and in the early ages of the child.
- Drinking water which has nitrates increases the risk of pediatric type 1 diabetes. Cereals should be administered on time to the baby or else he or she might get affected from pediatric type 1 diabetes. Clinical diagnosis for the kids ranging from 4 to 7 months indicates that they should be immediately switched to cereal-based feeds.
Tests to Diagnose Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes
A screening test is required for the kids suspected to be suffering from the pediatric type 1 diabetes:
- Blood Sugar Test to Diagnose Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: Blood sugar test is conducted at any time of the day randomly. The unit is the total milligram of the blood found in one decilitre of the solution. If the figure is more than 200, the kid might be the patient of high sugar level in the blood. In some case, the random test does not diagnose diabetes. Therefore, the doctor might suggest the parents go for re test.
- A1C or Glycated Hemoglobin Test to Diagnose Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: It takes the average amount of sugar in the blood conducted through the tests for a long time period. The quantity of blood locked with hemoglobin is evaluated in terms of percentage apart from the amount of proteins available in the RBC or red blood cells. If the amount of sugar is higher, increased number of molecules get fixed to the hemoglobin. If both tests indicate A1C levels more than or equal to 6.5%, it is a manifestation of pediatric type 1 diabetes.
One of the most important tests is the evaluation of the sugar level in the blood while undertaking to fast. In order to conduct the test, a blood sample is extracted from the patient once fasting is accomplished for a day.
If the reading is lower than 100, it is an indication that person is not suffering from diabetes. If the range extends to 125, it is regarded as symptom preceding diabetes.
If the kid is affected by pediatric type 1 diabetes, doctors also need to ascertain the presence of auto antibodies in the blood. In the case of the pediatric type 1 diabetes, ketones are found the urine. They occur as a result of the metabolism of fat and affect various organs of the body.
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