Chronic pain is a term used to define a pain that is ongoing and usually lasts longer than six months. Pain does not just affect the body rather it affects the people psychologically. People often encounter many bereavements due to pain, for instance, potential work disruption, financial or insurance hurdles, and challenges to relationships (romantic, platonic, and familial alike).
Every one of us feels agony quite often, however chronic pain is unusual. It is a persistent or recurrent pain that progresses over a long period of time. Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition of the face and head. It affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain.
Coping Methods For Trigeminal Neuralgia
Living with an enduring and agonizing condition such as trigeminal neuralgia can be very challenging. Perhaps it requires some life changes. Nevertheless, there are a few tips that patients can follow to inspire themselves and enhance their opportunities for daily success in the complex society of Trigeminal Neuralgia. But ensure that you discuss with expert clinical practitioners and/or other appropriate healthcare professionals before taking any other advice.2
Practice Healthy Habits -Changing your habits such as healthy eating and regular physical activity are great ways to feel better. One of nature’s ways of helping us cope with pain is to get rest with enough sleep.
Relaxation Techniques- Relaxation exercises calm your mind, reduce stress hormones in your blood and enhance your sense of well-being. Deep breathing and meditation are techniques that help your body relax and relieve pain caused by trigeminal neuralgia
Talk To People Who Understand – The most important coping mechanism is to talk to people who can understand your feelings and get through your emotions. It can help you to cope with depression symptoms and overcome negative thoughts.
Managing Chronic Pain Through Treatment- There are many treatment options available out there which can help you combat the pain and lead your normal life. In order to achieve this, stay educated by joining support groups, discuss your condition with your neurologist and browse several medical websites pertaining to your symptoms.3, 4
- One or more of the following symptoms are often noticed for this condition
- Alternating cramps of mild pain lasting from a few seconds to several minutes
- You will encounter searing, intense and excruciating pain which is often compared to electric shock
Intense flashes of pain can be triggered by vibration or contact with the cheek during chewing, shaving, washing your face or even when you try to apply some cream or lotion to your facial muscles, drinking hot or cold beverages, encountering a mild breeze or shower, talking, giggling and few others
Most patients report that their pain starts impulsively and unexpectedly out of nowhere where other patients feel that their pain follows a mishap, minor accident or a blow to the face or dental surgery. Although the cosmetologist and general physicians deny that dental work cannot trigger trigeminal neuralgia, however, there are many cases who reported that they encountered these symptoms after they underwent dental treatment. The research concludes that it might have caused coincidentally as well.1.
When trigeminal neuralgia does not respond to medicines and other procedures, neurologists often suggest that surgery can be the most recommended option. The main objective of the surgery is to destroy the portion of the nerve that is the leading factor of the pain. However, this procedure is equally accompanied by a multitude of side effects. The most common side effects are facial numbness and tingling feeling.
Dealing with traumatic life events can be a challenge, but a variety of coping methods benefits your physical, mental, and emotional health and cope up with chronic pain such as trigeminal neuralgia.
- Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Psychological evaluation and cope with trigeminal neuralgia
- Coping methods for trigeminal neuralgia
- Coping skills for chronic pain
Also Read:
- Trigeminal Neuralgia or Prosopalgia or Fothergill’s Disease: Causes, Treatment- Surgery
- Tic Douloureux or Trigeminal Neuralgia: Signs of Attack, Alternative Treatment, Coping Tips
- Can Trigeminal Neuralgia Be Caused By Stress & Does It Affect Speech?
- Can Trigeminal Neuralgia Be Fatal & How Painful Is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
- What Foods Should You Avoid & Eat If You Have Trigeminal Neuralgia?
- What Triggers Trigeminal Neuralgia & Is It The Most Painful Condition?