Can I Take Vyvanse And Alcohol Together? What are the Risks?

Vyvanse is a medication used for the treatment of certain disorders including ADHD and binge eating disorder. As it has several effects on the body and on the nervous system, there are many queries when you plan to take it. One of the commonly asked questions is, “Can I take Vyvanse and alcohol together?” Let us find an answer to this question.

Can I Take Vyvanse and Alcohol Together?

Can I Take Vyvanse and Alcohol Together?

Vyvanse works by altering the neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. The active ingredient in Vyvanse is Lisdexamfetamine (L-lysine-dextroamphetamine) which is a pro drug that acts on the central nervous system (CNS). It is a stimulant dextroamphetamine and belongs to the amphetamine pharmacological class. It is primarily used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and binge eating disorder.

These amphetamines or Vyvanse show good results in treatment of these conditions and aid in brain development. It also helps to improve attention, vigilance and nerve growth, the drive to perform tasks, task saliency, improves awareness and promotes goal directed behavior. In short, it stabilizes the hyperactivity and anxiousness, thus improving the focus and performance. It is an extended release medication and your physician may titrate the dose depending upon your body’s response to the medication.

Side Effects of Vyvanse

Although, Vyvanse is an effective drug in treating ADHD, however, in some individuals it may cause undesirable effects like hives, swollen face, lips or tongue. You need to consider these side effects and the way it influences your body functions. This is particularly more important when you wonder if you can take Vyvanse and alcohol together.

Some of the other common side effects of Vyvanse are as follows:-

  • Having a feeling of anxiety.
  • Insomnia or sleeplessness.
  • A loss of appetite.
  • Anxiety or getting a feeling of jitteriness.
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate increase.
  • Irritability and dry mouth.
  • Peripheral Vasculopathy, including Raynaud’s phenomenon.
  • Hallucinations and delusions.
  • An onset of bipolar disorders or it getting worse.
  • Paranoia.
  • Worsening of problems associated with behavior or thoughts.
  • Numbness in fingers and toes.
  • Stomach pain or diarrhea.
  • Increase in susceptibility to cardiac diseases.
  • Signs of psychosis.

Risks of Taking Vyvanse and Alcohol Together

Wondering if you can take Vyvanse and alcohol together? Vyvanse is a stimulant dextroamphetamine which stimulates the key regions of brain. Consuming alcohol with Vyvanse can prove out to be disastrous, as it may lead to potentially harmful, sometimes irreversible results.

Following are some of the risks that you may experience if you take Vyvanse and alcohol together.

Alcohol Poisoning – If you take Vyvanse and alcohol together, Vyvanse can mask the effects of alcohol. It means that one may end up drinking much more than the actual capacity, without experiencing the effects of alcohol. It may in turn lead to alcohol poisoning, blackouts and physical injuries.

Hepatoxicity – Excessive drinking along with Vyvanse may cause some serious problems like amphetamine-induced hepatoxicity which may lead to liver failure, in some cases. If you take Vyvanse and alcohol together, it can also magnify heart related problems. It significantly increases the heart rate and causes dramatic changes in the blood pressure. This also increases the chances of stroke, heart attack, hyperactivity and risk of seizures. It is even more fatal in patients already having a heart disease history.

Effects of Brain and Central Nervous System – Alcohol and Vyvanse often tend to counter the effects of each other. They both have similar side effects and if you take Vyvanse and alcohol together, the side effects may be heightened, proving out to be very dangerous. It may cause loss of memory, hallucinations, delusions, confusions, mood swings and paranoia.

Drug Overdose – Vyvanse, being a stimulant often reduces the sedating effects of alcohol. Alcohol on the other hand minimizes the stimulant effects of Vyvanse. So, if you take Vyvanse and alcohol together, you end up consuming excess quantities of drug and alcohol to reach the desired euphoric effect, often leading to an overdose or drug abuse.

Addiction – Although Vyvanse is a controlled, prescribed drug, it is often abused illegally. Adding alcohol as a popular solvent for Vyvanse, an individual can become addictive, which may be harmful in the long run.


It is important to remember that it is never safe to combine any amount of alcohol with Vyvanse as the effects are dangerous and vary from person to person. If you take Vyvanse and alcohol together, there are several side effects and health risks.

It is always safe to talk to the doctor, before starting Vyvanse, especially if one is a frequent drinker or has had problems with alcohol or drug abuse. It is important to remember that alcohol is also present in small amounts in cough syrup preparations, mouthwashes and other over the counter medications. Be sure to read the labels.

Strictly, stay away from no alcohol if you are on Vyvanse.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 5, 2019

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