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Some Early Signs of a Dental Disease

There are basically two types of dental disease namely gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis refers to a condition where there is inflammation of the gum tissues. These tissues are responsible for holding the teeth in place. The primary cause of gingivitis is believed to be poor oral hygiene and inadequate brushing habits. This causes buildup of bacteria on the teeth. If not treated on time, this ultimately leads to the teeth becoming loose and falling off [1].

It also makes it difficult for the individual to chew food and there is also bleeding gums noted. If the inflammation spreads to other areas of the teeth then significant damage can be caused. This is what is referred to as periodontitis. Both these conditions can cause loss of teeth and are caused due to bad oral hygiene [1].

Taking care of the teeth is a must to prevent these conditions. However, it is important to understand the early signs of an impending dental disease. This article highlights some of the early symptoms signaling the onset of a dental disease [2].

Some Early Signs of a Dental Disease

Some Early Signs of a Dental Disease

Gingivitis. Bleeding gums is the primary symptom of gingivitis. Generally bleeding gums can be observed while brushing the teeth. This is quite a common phenomenon; however, when it occurs when eating or chewing is a sign of inflammation and dental disease [1].

Gum Color. A dental disease can also be identified based on the color of the gums. In a normal individual sums are pink in color and gums that are inflamed have a dark red tinge to them [1].

Gum Inflammation. Inflammation of the gums also causes a gap between the gums and the teeth. This allows bacteria to settle in these gaps. As the disease advances it ultimately causes tooth decay. Periodontitis on the other hand is a condition which rarely causes any symptoms and that too when the disease has reached an advanced stage [2].

Teeth Sensitivity & Receding Gums. Apart from bleeding gums, the teeth becomes extremely sensitive. There will be pain and the individual will have a bad breath. With advancement of the disease, periodontitis causes the gums to recede making the teeth loose and ultimately fall off [2].

In conclusion, the primary cause of a dental disease is lack of proper oral hygiene. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the primary dental conditions. Both of these conditions result in inflammation of the gums. While there are treatments available, it is important to understand the signs that start off the onset of dental disease [2].

In most cases there are hardly any symptoms observed but as the disease advances symptoms can be observed including bleeding gums and bad breath. Thus, a routine dental appointment is a must to prevent any dental disease and if present early diagnosis is important to prevent loss of tooth [2].


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279593/
  2. https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/gum-disease/more-info

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 24, 2019

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