Orchitis is a disease of the genitourinary system during which inflammation of the testis occurs in men. The cause of its development can be an infection, trauma or the transition of the inflammatory process from other organs. As a rule, one testicle is affected (left-side or right-side orchitis), bilateral inflammation is rare.(1)
Can Orchitis Go Away On Its Own?
It is important to start treating the orchitis as soon as possible. The mild form may go without treatment and you may not even know about it. But untreated orchitic can cause serious complications that may make you infertile. The cause of orchitic may also be other infectious diseases having serious health consequences. So, the treatment of the disease at the earliest is essential.(2)
How to treat orchitis will be evaluated after a comprehensive examination. The main treatment aims to eliminate the symptoms and focus on the infection.
Eliminate the main causes that led to the development of the disease. If tests show the presence of pathogenic bacteria, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.
Influencing the mechanisms of pathology is important. During the disease, inflammatory processes occur in the tissues of the testicle, their intensity increases over time and leads to organ damage. To prevent it, the doctor will prescribe drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects.(ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc.)
How Do You Treat Orchitis Naturally?
Home care and appropriate medications can help resolve symptoms of orchitis:
Ice packs, but do not apply ice directly to your skin as it may cause freezing burns. Cover the ice with a thin cloth and put it on the scrotum for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day on the first- or second-day aiding to control pain and swelling.
Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen
Raise the scrotum with a secure brief or sports support.(4)
Common Causes Of Orchitis
Doctors identify quite a few causes of orchitis. The most common ones are:
Infections that are specific and non-specific. They can get in your testis not only from organs located in the immediate vicinity but also from distant. Often, the disease occurs due to the ingestion of sexually transmitted infections.
Specific infections include syphilis, gonorrhea, typhoid, tuberculosis, etc. Among non-specific infections, bacteria (staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.), viruses (influenza, measles, mumps, herpes, etc.) can be distinguished, fungi (candida, etc.) and urogenital infection (trichomonas, chlamydia, etc.).
Injuries or other mechanical effects on the body (shock, consequences of surgery, medical manipulations).
Congenital processes in the pelvic area associated with circulatory disorders, prolonged sexual abstinence, the practice of interrupting intercourse, etc.
Symptoms Of Orchitis
Symptoms of orchitis depend on its form and the cause of the onset of the disease. Acute orchitis is characterized by such signs:
- Fever.
- Acute pain in the area of the affected testicle, which can give to the lower abdomen, back, sacrum or groin. It is greatly enhanced at the time of movement. Pain is associated with the fact that the shell of the organ, in which there are many nerve endings, undergoes stretching.
- The testicle increases significantly in size, becomes painful and tense.
- Testis enlargement
- Scrotal skin tightness is noted. It becomes glossy and bright red.
- Symptoms like chills, headache, muscle weakness, nausea, may appear (signs of infection).
Chronic orchitis is rare and usually results from an untreated acute process. The disease has such manifestations:
- Periodic aching pains that intensify after hypothermia, high physical exertion, or prolonged walking.
- There are a slight increase and compaction of the testicle.
- Fever and signs of intoxication are rare.(2)
Diagnosis Of Orchitis
Any urologist can diagnose testicular orchitis immediately after the examination. But to find out why inflammation occurred, additional examinations will be required:
- A blood and urine test that confirms the presence of inflammation and determines its severity.
- Bacterial urine examination will help you classify and determine the susceptibility of pathogens to antibiotics.
- A spermogram allows you to identify pathogens and assess the condition of sperm.
- The degree, form, and scale of the inflammatory cycle, fluids and lesions are seen in the ultrasound.
- Magnetic resonance imaging helps not only to evaluate the development of the disease but also to identify the smallest foci of infection.(3)
- Ferlin A. of Male Infertility: From Childhood to Adulthood. Male and Sperm Factors that Maximize IVF Success. 2020:211.
- Pilatz A, Fijak M, Wagenlehner F, Schuppe H. Orchitis. Der Urologe. Ausg. A. 2019;58(6):697-710.
- Waisanen KM, Osumah T, Vaish SS. Testicular Metastasis From Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Recurrent Epididymo-orchitis. Urology. 2017;108:e7-e9.
- Klebanov N, Raghavan A. Tuberculous orchitis following intravesical bacille calmette-guérin (BCG) therapy. Cureus. 2018;10(5).
Also Read:
- What is Epididymo-Orchitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Who is at Risk, Diagnosis
- Orchitis (Bacterial & Viral): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, Tips to Cope
- Testicular Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis, Diagnosis
- What Is The Best Treatment For Orchitis & Coping Methods For It?
- How To Diagnose Orchitis & What Is The Best Medicine For It?
- How Dangerous Is Orchitis & Is It Contagious?
- What Leads To Orchitis & Can It Be Cured?
- What Is The Prognosis For Orchitis & Lifestyle Changes For It?