Recovery Period For Hematuria

Recovery Period For Hematuria

Recovery period depends on the cause of hematuria. When the cause is identified and cured, hematuria also goes away. Some causes of hematuria do not need any treatment but goes away spontaneously, some need treatment for a short period whereas some need very sophisticated prolong treatment. Therefore, recovery period solely depends on the cause of hematuria.

Urinary Tract Infections. This is one of the common causes of hematuria. Urinary tract infections can be divided as lower urinary tract infections and upper urinary tract infections. Lower urinary tract infections usually involve the urethra and the bladder and these infections are not that serious. Usually the first line therapy for lower urinary tract infection is nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim, cephalexin or cephtriaxone. These are usually given for about 5-7 days, but after taking the antibiotics for about 3 days hematuria will recover, however you need to complete the antibiotic course. Treatment can be done in an outpatient setting if there are no other complications. Usually lower urinary tract infections recover in about 6 days completely and hematuria resolve when the infections is cured. This might change if you have any other diseases or congenital abnormalities in the urinary tract.

Upper urinary tract infections are more dangerous and it involves the kidney and ureter. Usually it requires intravenous antibiotics for about week or two, which needs to be administered in a hospital. Recovery period of upper urinary tract infection is prolonged.

Hematuria resolves after the infection is cured completely, hematuria might disappear after the first few days of antibiotic treatment.

Urinary Tract Stones. Hematuria resolves when the stone/s is passed, but sometimes even if the stone is still present the hematuria might resolve. There are various treatment modalities for stones according to the location, type, size and complications it causes in the urinary tract. Usually when the stone passed down or when removed the hematuria resolve. We cannot say an exact time period when the urinary tract stones passed down.

Kidney, Bladder And Prostate Cancer. Hematuria is a non-specific symptom of any cancer in the urinary tract. So, when the cancer is treated the hematuria also resolve. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can give rise to hemorrhagic cystitis which is also a sudden hematuria with bladder pain can develop as a side effect. We cannot say an exact recovery time for hematuria due to tumors, it depends on the treatment of the cancer.

Inflammation Of The Urinary Tract. Any inflammation can give rise to hematuria and when the inflammation resolves the hematuria also disappear.

Vigorous Exercises. This might give rise to hematuria however; it is self-limiting and resolves spontaneously.

Sexual Intercourse. This is also self-limiting and resolves spontaneously.

Hemoglobinopathies And Clotting Disorders. Sickle cell anemia needs to be treated and this will resolve the hematuria as well. If you have clotting disorders like hemophilia it needs to be treated, then the hematuria will also resolve.


Hematuria is not a disease, it is a symptom of a disease of the urinary tract. Recovery period of hematuria depends on the cause of hematuria. When the cause is treated hematuria will also disappear. Identifying the cause and treating it, is important. Lower urinary tract infections resolve within 5-7 days and hematuria disappears 3 days after initiation of proper antibiotics. Upper urinary tract infections need intravenous antibiotics for about week or two and hematuria resolve with the treatment. Hematuria due to urinary tract stones resolve when the stones are passed down or removed. Hematuria due to urinary tract cancers and inflammation resolve when the tumor and inflammation is treated. Hematuria due to vigorous exercises and sexual intercourse are self-limiting; if hemoglobinopathies and clotting disorders cause hematuria treatment should be initiated for those diseases and that will resolve the hematuria.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 7, 2019

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