When people grow older, they have persistent trouble in controlling their bladder. Medical studies estimate that around 10 percent of male and female over 65 years of age often have difficulties with bladder control. Especially, women population are most affected than men. One in four women experiences bladder control problem at some point in their lifetime.
But what is the underlying reason behind the bladder leakage? Basically, during urination, the bladder muscles contract pushing the urine into the urethra and convey them to exit. However, as the individual ages or due to physical or emotional imbalance, the muscles contract when it should not and eventually result in urinary incontinence.
Why Can I Not Hold My Pee In Anymore?
Factors that increase the risk of developing urinary control problems include
Gender- Stress incontinence is most common in women and this occurs when pelvic floor muscles weaken. As you grow older, there will change with the bladder muscles and this will determine how much your bladder can hold and increase the chances of involuntary urine release.
Age-Although stress incontinence isn’t a normal part of aging but still, physical changes along with age such as weakening of muscles become a leading factor of leaking bladder. Perhaps, Urinary incontinence is a common complaint in older people particularly highly prevalent in women aged 40 and over. This is seen around the time of menopause.
Obesity– Studies show that the increase in body mass index is associated with an increased risk of urinary incontinence. The odds of urinary incontinence increase for every 1kgm increase in BMI.
Smoking– cigarette smokers are at higher risk of experiencing stress urinary incontinence. Over time, many smokers develop chronic cough which in turn put the pressure on the floor of the pelvic muscles resulting in difficulties to hold your pee anymore.
Genetic Factors- Genes in combination with environmental factors increase the risk of urinary incontinence. If a close-knit family of yours have this condition, then your risk of developing urinary incontinence is much higher.1, 2
Why Am I Losing Control Of My Bladder?
There are plenty of hypothetical reasons for a weak bladder and subsequent bladder leakage. It can widely vary from weakened pelvic muscles which occurs during pregnancy & childbirth to the bladder or prostate cancer. In addition, there are few potential causes that result in the weak bladder that includes
- Pregnancy, menopause, and childbirth
- Overactive bladder muscles
- Poor kidney function
- Certain food & beverages
- Diseases like diabetes, Parkinson’s and neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis.
How To Solve The Bladder Leakage?
There is a wide range of treatment to improve bladder leakage and prevent future episodes of this condition. But before that, you should know what type of incontinence you are experiencing to undergo suitable therapies.
- If your bladder leaks when you perform certain physical activities such as coughing, sneezing and laughing then you are probably having stress incontinence
- When it becomes hard to hold your pee anymore then it is urged incontinence
- When you feel that your bladder is always full and leaks then it is overflow incontinence
- Incontinence associated with age is functional incontinence
By looking at the pattern your doctor may suggest therapies. The common therapies include
- Behavioral remedies-It includes Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles that help hold in urine.
- Physical exercises- Exercises strengthen the pelvic floor and help control urine flow
- Drugs and medications- medicines relax muscles, helping the bladder to empty more fully during urination.
- Surgery- Bladders change positions after childbirth, therefore, surgeons develop techniques to make the bladder back into the normal position
- Sling procedures- A minimally invasive procedure placed around the urethra to help prevent stress incontinence.3, 4
- Weak bladder and leakage https://www.depend.com.au/urinary-incontinence/treatment/bladder-leakage/
- Why can I not hold my pee in anymore? https://www.livescience.com/7801-solve-bladder-control-problems.html
- What can cause you to lose control of your bladder? https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/bladder-control-problems/symptoms-causes
- What causes weak bladder in women https://www.medicinenet.com/urinary_incontinence_in_women/article.htm
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