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Why Is My Interstitial Cystitis Worse At Night & Is Dairy Bad For It?

Philadelphia surgeon Joseph Parrish published the earliest record of interstitial cystitis in 1836 describing three cases of severe lower urinary tract symptoms without the presence of a bladder stone.(1)

In 2007, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) began using the umbrella term urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome (UCPPS) to refer to pelvic pain syndromes associated with the bladder.(1)

Why Is My Interstitial Cystitis Worse At Night?

Interstitial cystitis has a lot of symptoms associated with the voiding of urine etc. But the frequency of micturition is a prime feature of interstitial cystitis along with an increased sense of urgency to micturate. It can occur in both daytime and nighttime but if the features of micturating difficulty are not present at night time then the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis is not made. It is because the symptom of nocturia has been added to the diagnostic criteria of interstitial cystitis.

The cause of nocturia or urge to urinate in the night is very simple that is there is decreased capacity of the urinary bladder to hold the urine which makes it difficult for the person to collect it in the bladder for the whole night which is about 8 to 12 hours. It may awaken the patient in the night with the sudden urgency of micturition. In a severe case of interstitial cystitis, there is a significant shortening and shrinking of the urinary bladder leading to defect of holding the urine for even a smaller period and the problem of nocturia will increase progressively as the condition progresses.(2)

To curb this problem, the cause of inflammatory response in the bladder along with the shrinkages has to be countered. For this purpose dear maybe need of surgical intervention to increase the volume of the bladder by stitching an additional piece of tissue commonly taken from the ileum with the existing bladder and it also has to be seen very carefully that during this procedure there is no damage to the sphincter as well as detrusor muscle of the bladder . This process is known as augmentation cystoplasty.

Is Dairy Bad For Interstitial Cystitis?

Since there is a problem with the collection of urine, there is always a tendency to reduce the liquid food in the diet to make the urine more concentrated and less in amount. But few dietary modifications need to be followed to curb the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. It is commonly said that 4 c’s are needed to be avoided, these are carbonated beverages which include all the soft drinks, caffeine-related products including chocolates, coffee, etc., citrus fruits including lemon, orange, etc. and vitamin c containing products. There is no specific relation found between the dairy products and interstitial cystitis except that few of the dairy products contain vitamin C which may be needed to be avoided.

But there are specific instructions for the consumption of liquid food items especially during the evening and night time to avoid symptoms of a sudden urge to micturate. Patients should not take any liquid food including dairy products such as milk at least 2 hours before going to bed. the patient should keep a bed alarm in the complaint of nocturnal enuresis and should at least urinate once in the night time. These are some of the simple steps that are required to be followed by the patient to keep the symptoms as minimal as possible.


Due to reduced capacity of the bladder, there is rapid filling leading to fullness and urge for urination especially during the night time. It can be reduced by following a few simple steps before going to bed.

There is no special contraindication to the dairy products but they are needed to be avoided when going together to reduce the production of urine.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 8, 2020

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