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Is Incontinence A Disability & Why Am I Leaking Urine Overnight?

Urinary incontinence refers to the condition when a person fails to prevent the urine to leak out. This takes place because of coughing and other related stress factors. Besides, this situation takes place at the time of or after one’s pregnancy, while the problem is common with obesity or overweight conditions. The probability to cause this type of problem increases with the person’s age. However, regular pelvic floor i.e. Kegel exercises and bladder control exercises help in reducing or preventing the problem. (1)

Is Incontinence A Disability & Why Am I Leaking Urine Overnight?

Is Incontinence A Disability?

If you experience bladder control loss, it indicates that you qualify to avail of the disability insurance benefits. You should remember that bladder control loss is a severe type of disorder and it influences your ability to perform regular functions. Thus, if you have problems related to bladder control, you are eligible to avail SSDI i.e. Social Security Disability Insurance or Long-term Disability benefits. (2)

Why Am I Leaking Urine Overnight?

Leaking of urine overnight or bedwetting refers to the loss of bladder control caused during the nighttime. Medically, bedwetting refers to nocturnal i.e. nighttime enuresis and it is an uncomfortable issue. In most of the cases, bedwetting is a standard developing stage in a few children. However, it sometimes occurs as underlying symptoms of disease or illness in adults. (3)

Until now, none of the urologists has failed to identify the exact cause of bedwetting. However, it takes place due to several factors, which include-

  • Smaller Bladder: When the child’s bladder fails to develop enough to hold the produced urine at night.
  • Fail To Recognize Full Bladder: When the nerves responsible for bladder control are slow to become mature, a full bladder fails to wake up the person. This takes place if an individual is a deep sleeper.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: A few of the individuals do not produce ADH i.e. anti-diuretic hormone in enough amounts to slow the urine production during nighttime.
  • Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary tract infection creates difficulty for the child to control the problem of urination. Common signs and symptoms are daytime accidents, bedwetting, pink or red-colored urine, frequent urination, and pain or inflammation at the time of urination.
  • Sleep Disorders And Sleep Apnea: In some cases, bedwetting is a type of obstructive sleep disorder or sleep apnea i.e. a condition, which results in the interruption of a person’s breathing while he or she sleeps. The problem takes place because of enlarged or inflamed adenoids or tonsils. Other symptoms related to the problem are daytime drowsiness and snoring.
  • Chronic Constipation: We know that the same group of muscles is responsible to control the elimination of stool and urine. Thus, when a person suffers from long term constipation, his/her muscles become dysfunctional and the affected individual suffers from nighttime bedwetting.
  • Nervous System Or Urinary Tract Structural Problem: In rare cases, bedwetting has relations with defects in the urinary system or neurological system of a child. (4)

Overnight Urine Leakage Risk Factors

  • Gender: Genetics and gender are the two major risk factors related to the development of bedwetting problems in childhood and adulthood. Both girls and boys experience episodes of overnight urine leakage from 3years to 5years age. However, boys often continue to suffer from bedwetting as they grow old.
  • Genetics Or Family History: Individuals with family history or genetics related to bedwetting is more likely to deal with the same type of problem. Especially, the chance of bedwetting increases by about 70percent when both parents had experienced the problem of bedwetting.
  • ADHD Patients: The problem of nighttime enuresis or bedwetting is common among ADHD i.e. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder patients. However, researchers have failed to understand the relation between ADHD and bedwetting properly. (5)


To conclude, we should say that bedwetting or overnight leaking of urine is a type of disability and it takes place because of many reasons.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2022

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