A molar pregnancy or a hydatidiform mole is a rare condition that occurs as a chance complication of pregnancy. It occurs when the trophoblasts – the cells that would continue to grow to form a placenta – develop awry and result in an abnormal pregnancy. This type of pregnancy cannot be sustained and needs to be removed immediately. The recovery period after the removal of the mole will be different from person to person.
Recovery Period For Molar Pregnancy
The molar pregnancy cannot be continued as a normal pregnancy. It can cause severe complications and needs to be removed immediately. This can be done through a process called dilatation and curettage, or in cases that it is not possible, through hysterectomy – removal of uterus. After any of these procedures, you will be monitored for a few weeks, even months for your recovery from the condition. This is done with the help of various methods-
Conducting blood and urine tests–
- You may be asked to take urine, blood tests or maybe both after every two weeks
- These tests will help in checking the amounts of a hormone – HCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone
- This hormone should come back to normal within a few weeks of removing the molar pregnancy
- The readings of your HCG amounts and how rapidly your hormone amounts are dropping, will determine for how long you will need to send samples for testing
- In some cases, the HCG amounts may not return to normal even after months of careful monitoring. This may indicate that there is still some molar tissue remaining inside the uterus. This is known as persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. This is seen to be happening more in women with complete molar pregnancy than in partial one.
- If the HCG amounts will not reduce, you will need to be treated with chemotherapy
- Post a molar pregnancy, it is best to avoid next pregnancy for at least a year, or till your doctors declare that it is safe for you to go ahead. If you become pregnant before the advisable window period is over, you should consult your specialist at once, so that he can guide you and track any untoward finding as early as possible.
- Once your follow up is finished, you will be asked to meet with your specialist after the completion of every pregnancy, even a miscarriage. This is usually done after 6 to 8 weeks of completion of any pregnancy. This is to check that your HCG amounts have reduced and become normal.
Prognosis Of Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole
Those women who suffer from a hydatidiform mole or a molar pregnancy get better once the abnormal fetus is evacuated. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) may develop in some women, and those suffering from a complete molar pregnancy are more at a risk for that. GTN can be cured though, in most cases. A chance of recurrence runs, though very rare and is often seen to be running in families. Certain genes have been linked to the recurrence factor.
In rare cases, the hydatidiform mole may invade the wall of the uterus and spread to other organs. Persistent GTN may be cured with chemotherapy in most cases. Preventive chemotherapy is recommended in most cases, immediately after the evacuation is carried out.
Women who have had a molar pregnancy are advised to stay away from another pregnancy in the following six months to one year. Their HCG levels – human chorionic gonadotropin – levels will be monitored for as long as necessary to ensure safety before next pregnancy.
A molar pregnancy or a hydatidiform mole is seen as a complication of a normal pregnancy, when the growth and development of cells called trophoblasts goes awry. Trophoblasts are the cells that grow to become a placenta. The products of conception in such a pregnancy may or may not be viable.
- Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): https://www.acog.org/
- MedlinePlus (NIH): https://medlineplus.gov/
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