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What Is The Average Length Of A Seizure?

A seizure or also called an epileptic seizure is a brief attack caused due to improper electrical activity in the brain. The brain nerve cells transmit signals in the form of chemical and electrical to communicate with each other. With four lobes on each of the two hemispheres of the brain, the origin of the attack could be anywhere on any of the total eight lobes. There are about a dozen types of attacks. However, neurologists classify or group them into two divisions – generalized and focal seizure attacks.

What Is The Average Length Of A Seizure?

Speaking in terms of the duration of a seizure attack, categorizing the seizure attack is critical, which uses the two divisions as a reference. On an average a seizure attack lasts anywhere between few seconds and to a maximum of 5 minutes. When the seizure attack achieves this period or crosses the same, the person falls under the status epilepticus group, which requires an immediate medical emergency. Speaking about tonic-clonic seizure attack, they last for to a maximum of three minutes. At the same time, absence seizure attacks continue for about ten seconds. Every occurrence has different reasons and triggering factors. Therefore, it is often difficult to speak about the triggering factor or arrive at a conclusion about the attack solely depending on the time of the seizure attack.

The cause behind a seizure attack is the misfiring of the brain cells. They begin at a particular spot in the brain and spread to other sections making it difficult for the individual to have complete authority over what is happening. During the misfiring, the person enters unconsciousness state, making it difficult for him or her to remember what is happening. The situation becomes blank, and they begin to show signs of jerking movements of the body.

The seizure attack can cause the entire body jerking, or the attack can occur only at a specific spot in the brain leading to stiffness or twitching of muscles belonging to the arms, legs, and fingers. In such a state, the individual experiences the twitch for a few seconds. There is a possibility that the person going through the situation may or may not remember what is happening.

How to Respond to a Seizure Attack?

Responding to a seizure attack is not possible because of the time length. As it stays anywhere between seconds and a few minutes, one cannot perform any of the precautions that can prevent causing harm to the individual. The only way to respond is by holding the individual cautiously and turning them to one side. The physical position will allow the fluid to come out of the mouth and help in avoiding gasping for breath. During the same period, it is also vital to offer space around the surroundings to prevent further physical injuries.

Seizure Treatment

Treatment for a seizure includes the use of medications that ensure that there are no occurrences of misfiring of the brain cells. Typically, individual experiences a seizure attack due to a brain tumor, injury to the brain, and improper sleep. The neurologist will also consider additional aspects related to the health before providing a suitable medication to cure the situation.

The reason behind appropriate offering of the medicine is that a few drugs can alter the sleep pattern, which further elevates the misfiring of the brain cells. Therefore, there is every possibility for the doctor to carry out tests to know whether the seizure attack is focal or generalized.

With the information in hand about the average length of a seizure attack, you now possess the knowledge on how to tackle the situation.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 7, 2017

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