Can You Die From Mosquito Bites?

Mosquito bite does not cause any severe symptoms. However, sometimes, the untreated or poorly managed mosquito bite may lead to the severe and fatal condition. Such case of severe symptoms should not remain unattended.

Can You Die From Mosquito Bites?

Can You Die From Mosquito Bites?

Mosquito bite generally is not a serious condition and the symptoms subside within 3-5 days. The severity of the response due to a mosquito bite varies from person to person. It has been identified that the person who is frequently bitten by the mosquito is less likely to develop serious complications. Mosquito bite kills many persons all over the world due to fatal complications in untreated patients that require medical intervention. The mosquito bite is also known to make sick millions of people, all over the world. Following are the serious complications developed due to ill-management of a mosquito bite that leads to fatal consequences.

Transmission Of Disease. Serious disease like malaria and dengue are transmitted through mosquitoes. When the infected mosquito bites a healthy person, the pathogens present in the saliva of the mosquito enter the human bloodstream and divide progressively. These diseases should be managed through a specific treatment strategy for faster recovery.

Lymphangitis. Lymphangitis is the inflammation of lymph vessels. It is caused due to rigorous scratching of the bumps formed due to a mosquito bite. This led to the exposure of the underlying lymph vessels leading to infection and inflammation.

Sepsis. Sepsis is a fatal condition characterized by the presence of pathogens in the bloodstream. This occurs when the deep tissues are exposed due to itching and the patients develop secondary infection.

Cellulitis. Cellulitis is the infection of the skin tissues. This may also lead to sepsis.

Impetigo. Impetigo is a contagious disease which is developed due to skin infection. The res sores are formed on the face and these sore bursts.

What Happens During And After Mosquito Bite

Mosquito, more specifically the female mosquitoes feed on the blood, while male mosquitoes feed on debris. When the female mosquito sits on human skin, they prick the skin from the stylets. Stylets of the mosquito consist of a pair of maxillae and mandibles and also contain labrum and hypopharynx. Female mosquito needs blood to grow their eggs. These needle-like organs help to suck up the blood. Mosquito finds their targets, i.e. humans through their sensory receptors. Mosquito finds the humans through carbon dioxide that we exhale.

Other methods of finding the target are volatile fatty acids and body heat. This is probably the reason why some persons are more frequently bitten by a mosquito as compared to other people. The volatile fatty acid differs from person to person and some person attracts the mosquito with increased release of these fatty acids. Apart from sucking the blood, the mosquito also pumps saliva into the human blood vessels. This saliva contains anticoagulant that prevents the clotting of blood while sucking.

Saliva also contains enzymes and proteins which triggers the immune response. This immune response due to saliva is one reason which causes the symptoms. Another reason is the rupture of blood vessels due to pricking and sucking of blood by a mosquito. These two phenomenon leads to symptoms such as bumps, redness, swelling, and itching.

How To Prevent Mosquito Bite?

Prevention is better than cure. Various methods are used in the house to prevent the attacks of the mosquito. Following are some of the preventive measures.

  • Standing water is the main feeding area of the mosquito. Thus, any stagnant water should be discarded.
  • All the doors and windows should be closed during the evening to prevent entry of mosquitoes.
  • Mosquito repellent cream should be applied to the person especially children to keep away a mosquito.
  • Natural repellent should be applied to the skin while going out.


You can die from mosquito bite if the rigorous itching is done on the skin. Further, if the mosquito is a carrier for a certain disease, it may add up to the complexity of the situation.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 26, 2019

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