How To Recover From A Headache As You Travel Continuously?

Are you a frequent traveler? Or you are in a profession where you have to travel on a continuous basis? Then you may have faced the most common problem during your travelling which is a headache. Travel headaches are very common but they can be managed with appropriate lifestyle changes and medicines, if needed. It is important to know about ways to recover from a headache as you travel continuously.

How To Recover From A Headache As You Travel Continuously?

How To Recover From A Headache As You Travel Continuously?

Regardless of whether you are travelling for the business or any personal travel. Changes in your daily schedule, change in the area, dietary changes and increased stress are some of the main causes of travel headaches. Let us know about how to recover from a headache as you travel continuously.

Travel exposes you to changes in your routine and lifestyle, like late meals, lack of sleep, etc. which can act as triggers. Some also get affected by climate and temperature changes or physical and mental exertion that comes along with travelling. Nevertheless, for simple travel headache that do not have any serious causes, can be managed effectively with lifestyle modifications, appropriate diet and care.

Here are some of the important lifestyle changes to recover from a headache as you travel continuously with some instant relief tips.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Your Travel Headaches

There are a lot of preventive measures to deal with or avoid the stress which you may have to deal with while travelling. The first step is to identify the triggers followed by taking the necessary steps to prevent them. Here are some of the effective lifestyle changes to prevent and manage headache as you travel continuously.

  • Plan Your Travel – Planning can help a lot in minimizing your stress while travelling. Prepare ahead of time, follow your checklist and pack your bags in advance to avoid last minute rush. Make sure you get some time to relax before you leave and check for all your things. Plan in such a way so that you have enough time to reach your destination without having to worry about being late. These sound small yet important issues that usually add up to the stress and trigger travel headaches.
  • Protect Yourself – In order to prevent headache as you travel continuously, you need to stay away from potential dangers. People vulnerable to headaches are typically delicate to splendid or glimmering light, extreme temperatures, noisy commotions, strong smells and pressure or changes. Do your best to limit your exposure to such potential triggers. Pack your eyeshades or sunglasses, a dozing cover, and earplugs. Motion sickness too adds to travel headaches. Also, pack your protective gear based on the activities you plan to do during your travel and stay. Talk with your doctor about the required medication for indigestion, motion sickness or travel headaches and pack them along.
  • Take Adequate Sleep – An important way to beat stress and prevent headache as you travel continuously is to sleep well before and if appropriate, during your travel. Never disrupt your sleep before traveling as this is the main cause which triggers a travel headache.
  • Watch Your Diet – Your diet before and during travel is one of the most important thing you should be careful about. Certain foods often act as triggers and can easily set of a headache as you travel continuously. Hence, it is necessary to avoid processed, junk, oily or spicy foods, instead prefer your regular diet and healthy, balanced meals. It is best to avoid any foods that trigger your headache, the commonest ones being, soy sauce, sweets and chocolates, citrus foods and for many dairy products and alcohol. Also, eating too much or eating very late can cause indigestion and gastric disturbances; so take light meals that you can manage easily.
  • Stay Hydrated – Make sure that you remain hydrated during your travel period, particularly if you’re flying, being in hot weather or participating in physical activities like skiing or swimming during your stay.
  • Take Your Medicines – If you are on any regular medication, make sure you have your stock during the travel. Missing on daily doses can trigger headaches, so be particular about taking your prescribed medications on time. Also, if any medicines are prescribed for travel headache, keep them handy so that they can be taken, as needed during your travel.

Handy Tips to Recover from Headaches As You Travel Continuously

Well after taking care of all preventive and lifestyle measures you may still get a travel headache. Hence, handy tips to recover from headaches as you travel continuously can help.

  • Relax during your travel; close your eye and rest or for a while, if possible.
  • Sit in a quiet, dark place or cover your eyes with eyeshades and wear earplugs.
  • Make sure that you eat well and drink water through your travel.
  • Avoid skipping meals, instead take small and frequent meals or have fruits.
  • Have coffee or something that normally reduces your headache.
  • Sip on ice or ice popsicle, if you are feeling nauseated or not willing to eat.
  • Give a gentle massage to your neck and temples for some relief.
  • Try applying warm or cold compress or alternate with both over your neck, to relax strained muscles.
  • Cold compresses or applying ice packs on forehead help to relieve travel headaches.
  • Try changing your position, moving around for a while or go to the restroom; this may help your body and mind relax to reduce the headache.

Try acupressure, As per Traditional Chinese Medicine works on, applying pressure to a point on the hand between the thumb and the index finger can help alleviate a headache. Just squeeze or put pressure at the point with your other hand massage the area for around five minutes, then apply the same pressure on the other hand or simply switch the hands and try the same.

These are some of the effective ways to recover from headache as you travel continuously.

Headache can be an annoying complaint for many, particularly if you repeatedly suffer from it during travel. While these measures can help to recover from headaches as you travel continuously, for persistent or chronic headaches, it is worth seeking medical opinion. On medical evaluation, any required investigations and treatment may be given, if appropriate. In addition to medical management, alternative treatments like acupuncture, cognitive behavior therapy, herbal and nutritional health products, hypnosis etc. are also known and must be practiced with an expert.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 7, 2019

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