How Much Garlic Should I Eat To Lower Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is increasingly becoming the most common ailment for developing heart diseases. According to several studies, at least 4 million people die from high blood pressure annually. The reason for the same is due to lack of identifying the same in its nascent stage. High blood pressure develops gradually and increases drastically for those who are suffering from underlying conditions. The situation escalates for those who are above 50 years and lead an improper lifestyle.

How Much Garlic Should I Eat To Lower Blood Pressure?

How Much Garlic Should I Eat To Lower Blood Pressure?

The use of garlic has ancient history and uses for several purposes. The use of the same is helpful in reducing the high blood pressure and heart ailments. However, it is essential to understand the preparation and the consumption quantity, as they both have a significant impact on lowering the high blood pressure. The following information will provide insight into the use of garlic in appropriate proportions to reduce high blood pressure and regulate the same.

Allicin – Although studies showed that the use of garlic proved in lowering the high blood pressure, understanding the mechanism of how it warrants requires additional research. Allicin is an unstable and highly reactive compound that is available in the garlic. It plays a crucial role in lowering the high blood pressure in an individual. According to research published in the BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, it was possible to reduce the high blood pressure after treatment with garlic when an individual displayed high starting values of blood pressure.

Raw Or Dried Garlic – Linus Pauling Institute stated that crushing, chopping, or chewing fresh garlic releases an enzyme called as alliinase, which begins to start a series of reactions that result in the formation of Allicin. Raw or dried garlic is capable of delivering the required quantity of Allicin. The potential or the effect displayed by the ingredient relies on the age of the garlic or heat treatment procedure. As Allicin is unstable, the researchers state that the use of aged or cooked garlic will display low-level formation of Allicin when compared with that of raw garlic. The unpredictable nature is another reason why Allicin is unavailable as a supplement even in today’s technology-driven world.

Dosage-Dependent – A study comprising of patients suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure showed that dose of the garlic had a significant impact in improving the health. The study separated the patients into groups based on the dosage of the garlic – 300, 600, 900, 1200, and 1500 mg per day. The results were astonishing, as the research did reduce the blood pressure as that of blood pressure medicines. Additionally, the reduction is high when a patient consumed higher doses of the garlic and for an extended period. The study likewise provided answers to the preferred range of treatment for patients suffering from high blood pressure – 600 to 900 milligrams per day.

Cloves – It is possible for patients with high blood pressure to regulate the same by consuming 1/3 to 1-1/2 gram of raw garlic. Each garlic clove measures approximately around 3 grams. It is equal to a 1/2 clove of the daily consumption. The decrease in the blood pressure is dependent on the number of cloves consumed by the patient. It is preferable for an individual suffering from high blood pressure to consult their family doctor and a dietician to make the necessary changes. They will provide details related to the appropriate quantity of cloves for consumption based on the condition of the patient, and take into consideration about other treatments.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2018

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