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What Vitamins Help With Bell’s Palsy & Can I Go To Work With It?

Condition not properly treated may result in permanent drooping and weakness. These cases are given a massive dose of vitamins.1

Medical studies demonstrated that acupuncture combined with vitamin B12 was effective in the treatment of Bell’s palsy.2

Plenty of rest is required when diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, so the doctor advises the patients to take off at work.3

Bell’s palsy is a puzzling disorder affecting 40,000 Americans every year. Sudden or spontaneous facial paralysis is the typical symptom of Bell’s palsy and it reaches a peak within 48 hours. It usually affects one side of the face, but it can affect both sides.

The exact cause of the disease remains unknown but medical experts believe that it is caused due to the reactivation of the virus.

What Vitamins Help With Bell’s Palsy?

When you are diagnosed with Bell’s palsy, doctors may suggest antiviral drugs along with steroids treatment to reduce swelling and inflammation and help recovery completely from this condition. You may also be advised for physical therapy such as massage and simple exercises to reduce the extent of weakness and severity of facial paralysis.1

In addition to the existing medications, alternative medicines such as vitamin therapy (B-12, B-6, and zinc) and supplements have been proven successful to help improve symptoms in several patients. Condition not properly treated may result in permanent drooping and weakness. These cases are given a massive dose of vitamins.

Medical studies demonstrated that acupuncture combined with vitamin B12 was effective in the treatment of Bell’s palsy. Although America doctors are skeptical about this theory, yet clinal studies suggest that vitamins don’t seem wrong in administrating and neither producing serious consequences. Though it doesn’t work, it is safe!.2

Can I Go To Work With Bell’s Palsy?

The complications experienced by Bell’s palsy patients vary and are often dependent on which facial nerve it is affected. Symptoms experienced during this condition are as below

Eyes- They cannot blink one eye and there is dryness in the cornea leading to visual discomfort and damage.

Nose – There are chances of the collapse of nostrils even during gentle breathing. The nose seems to be completely stuffed and difficulty breathing.

Mouth – The cranial nerve causes one corner of your mouth to droop and patients experience difficulties in maintaining saliva in the mouth. They have trouble in completely shutting the mouth and most people have difficulties in speaking or their speech becomes slurred

Mental Health- When people are encountered with this rare neurological disorder, they undergo an emotional toll. They are most likely to face this situation with extreme anxiety and depression.

It eventually affects the career and relationship with their loved ones. The process of planning to return to work becomes extremely difficult and requires huge adjustment until they recover completely. Equality Act 2010 protects employees from discrimination. It states that companies can adhere to adjustments, but it should be reasonable and not excessive.3

Because most of these patients require regular hospital visits during the treatment so work life cannot be regular and will be intermittent. Plenty of rest is required when diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, so the doctor advises the patients to take off at work. Discuss all the options with your superiors if they are good with your requisites and plan accordingly that is easier for both you and your team.


  1. Peter H. Gott, M.D. “Dr. Gott: Can B-12 Help Bell’s Palsy Symptoms?” Spokesman.com, The Spokesman-Review, 30 June 2009, www.spokesman.com/stories/2009/feb/17/can-b-12-help-bells-palsy-symptoms/.
  2. Wang, Li-Li, et al. “Acupuncture and Vitamin B12 Injection for Bell’s Palsy: No High-Quality Evidence Exists.” Neural Regeneration Research, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, May 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4468776/.
  3. The Pharmaceutical Journal 1 NOV 2012By Irene PattersonIrene PattersonCorresponding AuthorPharmacist, Victoria AdamsVictoria AdamsCorresponding AuthorSecretary of Facial Palsy UK. “Bell’s Palsy Treatment and Recovery.” Pharmaceutical Journal, 1 Nov. 2012, www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/cpd-and-learning/learning-article/bells-palsy-treatment-and-recovery/11111859.article?firstPass=false.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 17, 2020

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