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Best Mobile Apps for Child Health

Today’s life is very fast and busy for everyone. For parents who are juggling with stress at workplace and domestic responsibilities, it becomes all the more difficult. The deficit of time is felt more when it comes to managing children and maintaining their health. Whether it is baby care or child health, medical check-ups or recording their medical history, parents really have to work hard.

Best Mobile Apps for Child Health

There are a host of things you need to remember about your child’s health ranging from their vaccination and medicine to their nutritional requirements and overall development. But with the increasing use of smart phones and their apps, day by day life is becoming simpler. Many parents would like to make use of mobile apps if they can aid them with their child health care activities.

Here are some mobile apps for child health that can be a boon for parents.

  1. My Baby Today

    As a new parent, you will get all the advice and support from this app. This app allows you to maintain a checklist and reminders to help you with your baby care. It has a personalized calendar of events to record your baby’s development and also a photo album for you to cherish those special moments. That’s not all; this app has useful information related to your baby’s health, safety and answers to most of your queries to find if everything is normal with your baby. You can find guidance about baby care, recommended activities and proper feeding for your baby. You too, can get some tips about taking care of yourself so that you can stay well while caring for your baby.

    Ratings – 4.4 stars

    Price – Free

  2. WebMD Baby

    This android app is a quick reference and guide for new parents and you can get information approved by child health experts on health and wellness for your baby. This app is like your personalized guide that provides you with information on developmental milestones and guides, medical illnesses and baby’s follow-up with the doctor. It helps you to stay ahead by offering articles, videos, medical tips and tools for your baby’s health. You can also keep a track of your baby’s height, weight, sleeping, diaper changing and feeding schedules and also organize memorable moments.

    Ratings – 4.1 Stars

    Price – Free

  3. Healthy Children

    This app is a quick tool and great resource for the parents. You can find child health information, which comes from a trusted source at Healthchildren.org, which is an official website of American Academy of pediatrics for parents. Child health resources can be found and articles, videos are available for viewing. The app also works like a tool, where parents can find information about the available resources and makes searching a pediatrician easier. Not only that but you can also ask questions and get answers from the pediatrician forum.
    To add to all this, the app allows you to stay updated with latest information and get access to their newsletters as well.

    Ratings – 4 star

    Price – Free

  4. Kid’s Wellness Tracker

    This android wellness tracker makes it easy for parents to track their child’s health, growth and development by recording their height, weight, health symptoms and information about their vaccines. This tool allows you to manage your child’s health, keep records of their medical appointments and medicines. This also makes tracking their health and growth progress easy and helps to maintain their secure medical history. You can make use of the doctor appointment tool with reminders and also add your pre-visit queries, follow-up advice and doctor’s notes.

    Ratings – 3.7 stars

    Price – Free

  5. KidsDoc

    Just as the name suggests, this app is nearly your child’s doctor. You can get the most updated information when your child shows up a health symptom. Whether your child develops a skin rash, has cough, sore throat, fever or a minor injury, you are sure to have lot of queries. Kids Doc provides you with child health care guidance that you can use for quick relief for minor illnesses that can be managed at home. You can also use it as a primary care guide until medical help arrives. The app has alphabetic index, body area index and a keyword search, which makes navigation easy. This is a first aid support for child’s symptoms, illnesses and injuries.

    Ratings – 3.6 stars

    Price – $ 1.99

  6. Car Seat Check

    Using a car seat for your baby is an essential safety step. For parents who want to know the right type of car seat for your baby, Car Seat Check is the best app. This android based app requires you to detail your baby’s age, weight and height and the app guides you with which type of car seat is best for your baby. It also guides you with the installation of the car seat and details about other relevant information with the help of safety tips, images and audio/video clips.

    Ratings – 5 stars

    Price – $ 1.99

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 28, 2018

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