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What Are The Ways To Prevent Orchitis & Does It Reoccur?

Orchitis is a provocative disorder of one or both testicles in men, normally triggered by a viral or bacterial disease. Both testicles are most likely to be impacted by infection at the same time. Yet, the signs predominantly exist in just one testicle.

A male can get epididymo-orchitis from involving unprotected sex (oral, vaginal, or anal sex without a condom) with someone who has a sexually transmitted infection. It can also occur after bacterial infections, viral diseases, or prostate surgery.

What Are The Ways To Prevent Orchitis?

What Are The Ways To Prevent Orchitis?

Several incidents of orchitis cannot be prevented. This is particularly true if you endure from congenital urinary tract complications. Nevertheless, you can defend yourself versus some forms of viral orchitis.

  • Immunize yourself and your kids against viral or bacterial orchitis to lessen your probability of getting this condition.
  • Practicing safe sex can assist avoid bacterial orchitis. Use a condom and check your partner regarding their sexual past. Treatment aims at treating disease, for the betterment of warning signs, preventing diffusion, and lessening future problems.
  • Sexually committed males have to use condoms to prevent getting an STD. Males older than 50 must have their prostates analyzed during their annual physical assessments.1, 2

Your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotic medicine. Your sexual partner may require to be cured at the same time to avoid recurrence if a sexually transmitted infection is presumed or identified. The discomfort typically improves in 1 to 4 days. If it is triggered by a bacterial disease, the warning sign may recur again if antibiotics do not destroy all of the bacteria. It is crucial to cure the disease entirely to attempt to counteract chronic epididymitis and to prevent the disease from propagating to the testicle.

Certain measures will help prevent the condition:

  • Follow healthy hygiene, keep your penis and scrotum clean
  • If you have a warning sign of irritation or excruciating pain when you urinate or a discharge from the penis, see your physician immediately.
  • Often advisable to have only one sex partner.
  • Use a latex or polyurethane condom each time you have sex to safeguard against sexually transmitted infections.3

Does Orchitis Reoccur?

Some males develop recurring orchitis, which is an infection even when there is no virus. The cause is not known, but it is thought that hypersensitivity of certain structures, including nerves and muscles, may cause or contribute to the condition.

The condition and symptoms may last for one to two weeks and the patient is advised for complete bed rest with prescribed medications. When you strictly follow your health care provider advice, your symptoms improve and pain and swelling slowly disappear.

Most cases will get resolved on its own after enough medications However, in severe cases, you would be recommended for long courses of pain killers and antibiotics, to clear the infection completely. Follow-up investigation of the urinary system is often required if the infection recurs or is associated with urinary symptoms.

The yearly occurrence of severe cases of orchitis is about 1.3 per 1,000 boys three to 12 years of age (mean age = 12 years); about one-third of this group has relapse within three to five years. Among adult males, 42% of orchitis cases occur between 25 and 30 years of age. In a certain number of patients, epididymitis ensued with orchitis in 57% of patients.

Since there are many forms of orchitis, most of the cases are treated with radical orchiectomy due to complexity in distinguishing between these syndromes preoperatively. However, saving the impacted testis and prevention of the infection are some of the ways to improve the symptoms.4, 5


  1. Orchitis: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms – Healthline https://www.healthline.com/health/orchitis
  2. How can you prevent orchitis? https://www.webmd.com/men/qa/how-can-you-prevent-orchitis
  3. Epididymitis and Orchitis: An Overview – American Family Physician https://www.aafp.org/afp/2009/0401/p583.html
  4. Inflammation of the Testicle (Orchitis) https://comments.emedicinehealth.com/inflammation_of_the_testicle_orchitis/viewer-comments_em-1431.htm
  5. Learn about two of the most common testicle problems and how they are treated https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/conditions/sexual-health/a11990/orchitis-and-epididymitis/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 8, 2022

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