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Alternative Treatment For Nephrotic Syndrome & Is It A Progressive Disease?

Nephrotic syndrome is a chronic disease of the kidney with poor renal function. The modern system of treatment offers a lot of medications for the management of this condition. However, because of the chronic nature of this disease and the side effects of medications in the long term, various alternative treatment options are available. Nephrotic syndrome is a progressive disease and progression depends upon how well the condition is managed.

Alternative Treatment For Nephrotic Syndrome

Alternative Treatment For Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition characterized by the presence of an excess amount of protein in the urine. It may be caused due to damage of the blood vessels that function as a filter and removes waste from the blood. The treatment strategy defined by the nephrologists depends upon the stage and severity of the disease and damage to the kidney. The severity of damage is directly proportional to the severity of symptoms. Various treatment options are available for managing the symptoms and preventing further damage to kidneys due to nephrotic syndrome. The conventional system of treatment includes the use of medications. These medications may affect the functioning of kidneys and alleviate the symptoms through different mechanisms of action.

Blood pressure medications such as benazepril and enalapril are the drugs used to reduce blood pressure and also helps to reduce the excretion of protein in the urine. This results in managing the osmotic pressure and thus prevents leaking of fluid. Diuretic drugs such as hydrochlorothiazide excrete the excess amount of water from the body resulting in reduced swelling. Other medications used in managing nephrotic syndrome are cholesterol-lowering agent, blood thinning agents, and immunomodulators(1).

Apart from the other medications, alternative therapy for managing the condition are also available:

Traditional Chinese Medications: Nephrotic syndrome, especially refractory nephrotic syndrome is the condition related to the kidney with poor outcome. Chinese medicines along with allopathic medications prove to be of great efficacy in nephrotic syndrome. Schisandra sphenanthera extract combined with tacrolimus and tetrandrine (obtained from Stephania tetrandra) with corticosteroid are the two combinations which have shown good efficacy in clinical trials(2).

Naturopathic Remedies: Naturopathic remedies are the comprehensive treatment for the holistic rejuvenation of kidney disease. Nephrotic syndrome is treated with herbal drugs, nutrition, and healthy eating habits and hydrotherapy. The extent of damage in the kidney is assessed and the treatment is provided on the basis of evaluation(3).

Herbal Remedies: Herbal remedies for nephrotic syndrome includes the herbal drugs that play a vital role in preserving kidney function and slow down the progression of the disease. These drugs also help in detoxification which reduces the pressure on kidneys. Part of the body with inflammation have high oxidative stress due to the generation of free radicals. Herbal drugs reduce oxidative stress and prevent further damage. Herbal drugs also improve the capacity of the kidney in retaining water(4). Drugs that may act as immunomodulator and neuroprotector includes Tinospora cordifolia, Curcuma longa, Withania somnifera, and Boerrhavia diffusa.

Homeopathic Treatment: Homeopathic also has well-established treatment for nephrotic syndrome. Aim of homeopathy is to reduces the frequency of symptoms, the severity of symptoms and to reduce the dependence on coticosteroids(5). Homeopathic medicines help to trigger the immunological response thereby healing the damaged tissue.

Is Nephrotic Syndrome A Progressive Disease?

Nephrotic syndrome is a chronic condition with intermittent recurrence of symptoms. The condition is progressive if left untreated. Unmanaged or poorly managed nephrotic syndrome leads to severe complications including Chronic Kidney Disease or End Stage Renal Disease which are life-threatening. The severity of the disease and severity of symptoms depends upon the extent to which the damage in the kidney has occurred. Patient with nephrotic symptoms may experience frothy urine, fatigue, loss of appetite, puffy eyes, swelling in hands and legs, and changes in the volume and frequency of urination. The condition, in severe cases, may progress to renal failure(6).


Alternate treatment for nephrotic syndrome includes traditional Chinese medicines, herbal medicines, naturopathic remedies, and homeopathic treatment. If left unmanaged and untreated, nephrotic syndrome may lead to life-threatening complications.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 12, 2024

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