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Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease characterized by loss of proteins and lipoproteins in the urine along with loss of anticoagulant factors like protein c and s. It can occur in both adults and children as well.

Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome

Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome

Although there are specific and nonspecific medical treatments for various different causes of the nephrotic syndrome there are few things that can be done at home to improve the health of the person suffering from it.

Dietary Modifications And Requirements:

The patient should be put on such a diet which is having a very low and restricted amount of salt in it. It will help to reduce the edema formation in the body and to reduce the fluid collection also.

The diet should be low in saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids. Use of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids is better than the other fats for the patient because of these lower the risk of clot formation in the body.(1)

Although the benefits of high protein diet have not been proved till now patient can be put on a high protein diet to meet the daily demands as well as the loss of protein in the urine. High protein diet includes foods like meat, eggs, liver oil, fish, etc. for non-vegetarians and dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, soy products, etc. for vegetarians. Other common protein-rich foods include pulses, few bowls of cereal, nuts and beans, etc.(2)

Fluid restriction is generally not required but sometimes if the edema is occurring even after efficient salt restriction then fluid restriction therapy could also be employed to reduce it. It could be done at home only by just reducing the amount of fluid intake by the patient in the day.

Vitamin D and calcium-rich diet can be used because of the loss of these dietary components in urine due to the malfunctioning of kidneys. This can lead to a reduction in bone pains and risk of fractures in the patients of kidney disease.(3)

Iron and folic acid rich diet should also be used to reduce anemia caused due to chronic kidney disease as well as due to the drugs used in the treatment. It helps in hemoglobin formation and early recovery from the side effects of the drugs.

Supportive Treatment At Home

Prolonged bed rest should be avoided like the patient is having bed rest for more than 8 hours in a day because it may lead to the formation of clots in various blood vessels due to the tendency of hypercoagulability in the nephrotic syndrome and can lead to dangerous complications.

So in order to reduce such complications, early ambulation and movement are helpful for the patient’s health. Leg rising should be done while lying down on the bed to reduce fluid collection in the limbs. There is no restriction for any activity to the patient.

Monitoring Practices At Home

The patient should be taken to the medical facility for regular follow up on an outpatient basis if the hospitalization is not required. A 24-hour urine collection can be done at home and sent for the salt estimation in the urine. The amount of salt in urine should not exceed 88 micrograms per liter. If exceeded it means the salt in the diet should be restricted further with the help of a dietician.

As the patient may be put on steroids for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome it is necessary for the patient to get regularly tested for the toxicity of steroids every three months and eye testing for ruling out cataracts in the eye.


Most of the patients of the nephrotic syndrome do not require hospitalization with good patient care and education. Early detection of dangerous signs is very important for getting medical aid on time. Otherwise, they can be managed at home easily by following the advice of your medical practitioner and a few dietary modifications.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 25, 2021

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