Eggs are a nutritious source of protein. Hence, they are a much-favored food type for a large number of people. However, high amounts of protein are restricted for people suffering from kidney problems. Kidney ailments and renal problems can be of various types and there are a number of stages. The type of diet that is prescribed for one stage of the kidney problem might not be the same for the other stages. For example, a person who is having a first stage kidney problem is generally asked to control or restrict their protein intake as the kind of waste that is generated out of proteins cannot be cleared by damaged kidneys. However, people who are having dialysis are often prescribed to have greater proteins, as that is what is needed by the condition. In this context let us understand whether eggs are good for kidneys or not.
Are Eggs Good For Kidneys?
It has been seen that although the egg yolk contains a lot of nutrition value yet they also contain a very high amount of phosphorus. This is why egg yolks are often discouraged to be consumed by people who are having kidney problems. However, this does not mean that having eggs is banned as a whole. The egg white is considered to be a great source of protein that is kidney-friendly.(1) Hence egg whites are prescribed to people who are undergoing the procedure of dialysis as this is a part that provides the protein but has lower levels of phosphorus. Generally, a portion of two large egg whites is prescribed for patients undergoing dialysis.
Earlier it was said that egg yolks need to be avoided by people who are suffering a condition of cardiac problem. This is due to the cholesterol and the saturated fat content in the yolk.(3) However, a lot of research has been done on the topic so far and the scientists are no longer very sure of the adverse effects of the egg yolk on human health. Instead, the medical fraternity is now talking of the various advantages that a patient suffering from kidney problems can experience out of consumption of eggs along with their yolks. The yolks are rich in antioxidants like lutein and the zeaxanthin that contributes to preventing eye damage which otherwise happens to be much common in patients of kidney disorder. Egg yolks are also rich in elements like Vitamin E, D and A and also riboflavin and choline which are also very essential for the body and helps in preventing various health conditions. Thus, it cannot be said for sure that eggs are completely bad for kidneys or for general overall health. However, one must discuss the amount of eggs one can consume with their doctors who will evaluate the patient’s condition and then advice the correct intake as per the body.
Egg and egg yolks are not particularly bad for the kidney. However, if the kidney happens to be damaged to a certain extent, then it is feasible that you take the advice of a doctor before deciding on the number of eggs that you eat on a regular basis. However, in this context, even the earlier beliefs that the egg yolks are bad for kidney patients has been refuted to a great extent which means that the food item happens to be safe for the one and all.
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