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Can Kidneys Heal On Their Own?

Kidneys are a pair of organs that are situated one each on both sides of the spine. They are bean-shaped and are located at the back, below the ribs. Kidneys are one of the most important organs of our body, as their primary function is that of filtering the blood.

All the blood in our body goes through them a number of times in a day. When the blood enters the kidneys, it first separates the waste material. It adjusts the quantities of minerals and salts and water if necessary and then sends the filtered blood back into the body. The waste material that the kidneys separate gets converted into urine. This urine is collected in a part of the kidney, which is known as the pelvis. Pelvis is like a funnel, it is connected to the ureters, two tubes which take urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Then it is excreted out of the body by the urethra. The kidneys, ureters, the urinary bladder and the urethra together make the urinary tract or the urinary system.

Can Kidneys Heal On Their Own?

Can Kidneys Heal on Their Own?

To find an answer to the question that whether kidneys can heal on their own or not, it is essential to first have a look at the mechanism of the kidney function in a little detail.

Each kidney has almost a million of small, tiny filters. These filters are known as nephrons. Nephrons are the structural and functional unit of the kidneys. They are tiny units, made up of renal corpuscle and renal tubule. When the blood enters the kidneys, it is these nephrons that do the job of filtering the blood. In many kidney conditions, these nephrons are damaged. These diseases affect the corpuscle or the tubules or both. If these corpuscles or tubules are damaged, the kidney may try to repair and regenerate them. But, if they are so damaged that the nephron is destroyed, then it creates a huge loss, as the kidney can not produce or make new nephrons, it can only repair or regenerate and that too, just to some extent.

In this context, it is important to protect the kidneys from the beginning, so that they do not end up compromised. In Those diseases which are either hereditary or genetic, one cannot prevent the damage from happening, but one can control the extent of damage by following certain lifestyle changes. The acquired kidney diseases can be prevented very well by following these lifestyle modifications.

One should drink the required amount of water, as is recommended. A hydrated body is less prone to have any kidney damage, as the kidneys can function like they should with proper fluid balance.

Eat a healthy balanced diet, having a lot of fruits and vegetables to help kidneys to heal themselves. Limit yourself on large quantities of meat. Protein is surely essential for proper growth and development of the body, but animal protein increases the acid content in the body, thereby creating an acidic high in the urine and resulting in the formation of kidney stones or many other kidney disorders.

Get covered for high blood pressure, as uncontrolled high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels around the kidneys, thereby reducing or stopping the blood supply to the kidney. This may result in kidney failure in no time.

Go easy with smoking and alcohol consumption. Smoking is known to increase protein in the urine, which is a confirmed sign of kidney damage. Alcohol in excess can cause severe dehydration in the body, and at times may increase the blood pressure too. Dehydration and uncontrolled high blood pressure both are very potential risk factors in any kind of kidney disease.


If these basic, simple yet important lifestyle modifications are followed, then it is possible to help kidneys in their self-healing, in whatever limited way it can. These changes can surely give kidneys a chance to get back to their usual self.


  1. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)The Kidneys and How They Work
  2. Cleveland ClinicCan Kidney Damage Be Reversed?

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 12, 2023

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