The kidneys help to detoxify and remove impurities from the blood, as well as waste products in the urine; so, they are one of the most important organs of the human body. The kidney stones are formed when they are not able to process these toxins efficiently.
When this happens, an accumulation of unprocessed crystallized minerals is created, causing pain, creating kidney stones and possibly even blocking the flow of urine.
What Can I Drink to Dissolve Kidney Stones?
Currently, there are drugs that can help remove kidney stones effectively. However, these have side effects and do not act efficiently in all cases. Luckily, there are natural alternatives such as juices, which can stimulate the removal of kidney stones and prevent them from re-forming.
Grapefruit and Aloe Vera Juice
This recipe was published in 2003 in the book “The Science Principles and Practices of Herbal Medicine”, as a good remedy to remove kidney stones, treat different kidney conditions and purify the blood.
-½ glass of grapefruit juice (100 ml)
-2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
How To Prepare It?
Extract the aloe vera gel and process it in a blender with a ½ glass of grapefruit juice. Beat a couple of minutes and finally add two tablespoons of honey.
Mango, Melon, Orange and Grapefruit Juice
The four fruits that are used in this juice to remove kidney stones make this drink act as a powerful antioxidant and depurative, able to purify toxic substances that affect the body.
-½ mango
-1 orange
-few grapefruits
-¼ of melon
How to Prepare it?
Each fruit must be properly peeled and free of seeds; the peel can embitter the drink and that is not the idea. It is very important to wash the fruits well before incorporating them to make this juice.
Once everything is ready, they are introduced inside the blender and all the ingredients are mixed well. You should drink 2 glasses a day for dissolving kidney stones.
Carrot, Apple, Orange, and Cucumber Juice
This combination helps to purify the body, contributes to the elimination of toxic substances from the body and to dissolve kidney stones.
- 4 carrots
- 2 apples
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 cucumber
- 1 orange
How to Prepare it?
Make sure to wash and peel all the ingredients before incorporating them in the blender. When they are ready, try them a couple of minutes. You can add a little water if necessary. For better results, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach.
Cranberry Juice
This delicious juice is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial compounds such as tannins, which help to prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the kidneys. Its use is recommended to prevent urinary tract infections and chronic problems such as kidney stones.
- 1 cup of cranberry juice (250 ml)
- ½ cup of water (125 ml)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)
How to Prepare it?
Mix all the ingredients and drink this juice every day. For best results, it should be combined with a good water intake.
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple is known for its powerful depurative and diuretic action, which contributes to the elimination of waste that accumulates in the body. This juice contributes to kidney cleansing and helps to prevent and eliminate kidney stones. While you can drink pineapple juice alone to get this benefit, you can also prepare the following recipe for better results.
- Pineapple in pieces
- 1 cup of rice milk (250 ml)
How to Prepare it?
Introduce both ingredients in the blender and mix until you get the desired texture. If you prefer a little more liquid you can add water.
The consumption of any of these five juices can be a great support to remove kidney stones and cleanse the body of toxic substances that can make you sick. Include them frequently in your diet and take advantage of all its benefits. It is also very important to drink plenty of water to remove kidney stones.
- The Science Principles and Practices of Herbal Medicine” – Published in 2003, this book offers insights into natural remedies for kidney stones and kidney health.
- “How to Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally” – Learn more about natural methods to dissolve kidney stones on Healthline.
- “Kidney Stones Diet: Foods To Eat & Foods To Avoid If You Have Kidney Stones” – Get dietary tips for managing kidney stones on WebMD.
- “Can Eating Tomatoes or its Seeds Cause Kidney Stones?” – Explore the relationship between tomatoes and kidney stones on MedicalNewsToday.
- “What Would Happen If Kidney Stones Are Left Untreated?” – Understand the consequences of untreated kidney stones on Verywell Health.
- “Where is the Pain with Kidney Stones?” – Find information about kidney stone pain locations on Mayo Clinic.
- “What are the Four Types of Kidney Stones?” – Learn about the different types of kidney stones on Healthline.
- “Can you Die from Kidney Stones?” – Discover the potential risks associated with kidney stones on Healthline.
- “How Long do you Stay in the Hospital for Kidney Stones Treatment?” – Get insights into the hospital stay duration for kidney stones treatment on Verywell Health.
Also Read:
- How to Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally?
- Can Eating Tomatoes or its Seeds Cause Kidney Stones?
- What Would Happen If Kidney Stones Are Left Untreated?
- Kidney Stones Diet: Foods To Eat & Foods To Avoid If You Have Kidney Stones
- Where is the Pain with Kidney Stones?
- What are the Four Types of Kidney Stones?
- Can you Die from Kidney Stones?
- How Long do you Stay in the Hospital for Kidney Stones Treatment?