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Coping Methods For Nonallergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis refers to the swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane present in one’s nose. The problem characterizes stuffiness and runny nose, while takes place because of the common cold and/or seasonal allergy. In most of the cases, rhinitis takes place because of common cold and allergy, while its symptoms are sneezing, runny nose and stuffiness.

You may classify rhinitis as nonallergic or allergic ones. The main cause of nonallergic rhinitis is a viral infection and a few of the common irritants. Rhinitis may even be chronic i.e. long-standing or acute i.e. short-lived one. An acute type of rhinitis often takes place due to viral infection, along with allergies, bacterial infections, and other related causes. In contrast, chronic rhinitis takes place because of chronic sinusitis.(1)

Coping Methods To Deal With Nonallergic Rhinitis

Coping Methods To Deal With Nonallergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic rhinitis is manageable easily by following a few of the effective coping methods-

Avoid A Few Of The Irritant Triggers: You should strictly avoid almost every type of irritant trigger, which may cause symptoms. This is an effective way to treat the problem of nonallergic rhinitis.

Medications In The Form Of Steroid Sprays: Next, you should choose partially effective meds such as prescribed nasal steroid sprays in combination with antihistamine nasal sprays and oral decongestants. Patients dealing with the problem of the consistent dripping nose as well as postnasal drip may get relieved from the drying effect present in an anticholinergic nasal spray. Especially, these types of sprays are helpful in gustatory and vasomotor rhinitis problems.

Saline Nose Sprays: If you suffer from the problem of nonallergic rhinitis during pregnancy, you may get benefit from saline nose sprays available easily in the market.

Stopping Of OTC Decongestants: If you suffer from rhinitis medicamentosa, you have to stop all types of OTC i.e. over the counter based topical decongestants immediately. Instead, you should start taking a prescribed good quality of nasal spray.(2)

Rinse The Nose By Using Saline Solution: You should rinse the inner area of your nose by using a saline solution rather than using a decongestant spray for irrigation or cleaning your nose. For this, you have to prepare a steam inhalation by placing a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil in a bowl containing hot water. Later on, you have to run a humidifier to avoid drying of the air within your room. Also, you have to avoid a few of the environmental triggers, especially the smoke, as it may aggravate your nonallergic rhinitis symptoms.

Regular Lubrication And Nasal Lavage: If you are a patient of atrophic rhinitis, you should choose for regular nasal lavage and its lubrication. Both of these steps may prevent the formation of nasal crusts and simultaneously, retain the moisture content in your nasal linings.(3)

Nonallergic rhinitis has the following major symptoms-

However, nonallergic type of rhinitis does not cause itching problems, like itchy throat, itchy nose, and itchy eyes.

Your chance to cause the problem of nonallergic rhinitis may increase because of many factors, which include the following-

  • Having specific types of spicy foods
  • The specific types of irritants, like smog, tobacco or cigarette smoking, airplane fuel, exhaust fumes, solvents and various other similar types of substances will increase your risk.
  • Nonallergic rhinitis problem often causes in females, especially during their menstrual cycles and pregnancy periods.
  • Cystic fibrosis and lupus, along with other types of health conditions combined with asthma and hormonal disorders increase your change to cause or develop the nonallergic type of rhinitis.

To conclude, we should say that patients may easily manage their conditions related to nonallergic rhinitis by simply a few of the mentioned coping methods, which depend solely on the specific type of rhinitis.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 5, 2021

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