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Is Nonallergic Rhinitis A Progressive Disease & Alternative Treatments For It?

Non-allergic rhinitis (NAR) is a condition where a person exhibits many allergies such as nasal inflammation, swelling in the lining of the nose, congested/drippy nose and so on. In a nutshell, non-allergic rhinitis is brought about by triggers that physically irritate the mucous tissues of the nose.

If a person has a common cold and doesn’t seem to get better or has recurring symptoms, then it is a typical case of non-allergic rhinitis.

Is Nonallergic Rhinitis A Progressive Disease?

Is Nonallergic Rhinitis A Progressive Disease?

Non-allergic rhinitis has many different forms which includes

Infectious Rhinitis- Also called viral rhinitis, is caused by an infection, such as the common cold or flu. The common symptoms of infectious rhinitis are common cold or flu.

Vasomotor Rhinitis- It is a chronic condition caused by intermittent episodes of various symptoms affecting millions of Americans

Occupational Rhinitis- An inflammatory condition of the nose often caused by sneezing, rhinorrhea and itching.

Although not all the forms are progressive but chronic rhinitis causes progressive nasal obstruction from indurated inflammatory tissue in the lamina propria. In addition, when this condition is left untreated, it progresses and affects children’s physical and psychological well-being and severely influences their quality of life. These patients can no longer able to do their normal routines and lead to various other breathing related diseases such as asthma, sinusitis and a few others.

Clinical studies show that24% of patients originally diagnosed with nonallergic rhinitis developed positive allergy tests and progressed to allergic rhinitis in a span of three years. Therefore, in order to have a better living, it is incredibly important to pay immediate attention to your symptoms and get treated accordingly. But what are the alternative treatments for non-allergic rhinitis? 1. 2.

Alternative Treatments For Non-Allergic Rhinitis

Treatment of nonallergic rhinitis often depends on how severe the symptoms are and what kind of discomforts are you facing.

For mild symptoms, we can try for alternatives at home before you approach your GP. Some of the home treatment to reduce swellings in nasal passage include

  • Using a clean humidifier with clear filters or vaporizers
  • Take hot showers or warm steam in a hot pot
  • Intake plenty of liquids
  • OTC nasal sprays without steroids
  • Keep your head raised when sleeping
  • Avoid chlorinated pools
  • Place a warm wet towel covering your facial parts to produce comfort.

However, when the symptoms are bothersome, you should go for certain medications that include

Saline Nasal Sprays- Drug-free saline nasal sprays tend to be safe for people of all ages. They are a natural remedy that may provide you with relief from allergies. Saltwater solutions also called saline nasal sprays can loosen up your mucus and provide relief from nasal congestion

Corticosteroid Nasal Sprays- A nasal corticosteroid spray is a medicine to help make breathing through the nose easier. When your symptom is pretty worse meaning you have severe inflammation, corticosteroid nasal spray is effective in clearing inflammation and to provide relief for runny/stuffy nose. 3. 4.

Antihistamine Nasal Sprays- These sprays relieve congestion, itchy and runny nose, and sneezing. It allows a person to apply for the medicine directly into the nose and prevent congestion of the nose and sinuses, as well as postnasal drip.

Decongestants- When you have rhinitis, it causes swelling in the inner membranes of the nose. Decongestants that come in the form of a pill, liquids, nose drops, and nasal sprays apparently help shrink swollen tissues in the nose, sinuses, throat, and the space behind the eardrum. 5.


  1. Non-allergic rhinitis: a case report and review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2835646/
  2. Nonallergic Rhinitis, With a Focus on Vasomotor Rhinitis https://waojournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1097/WAO.0b013e318196ca1e
  3. Non allergic rhinitis- Diagnosis and treatment https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/nonallergic-rhinitis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351235
  4. Alternative treatment for non-allergic rhinitis https://www.webmd.com/allergies/nonallergic-rhinitis#1
  5. Treatment of Allergic and Nonallergic Rhinitis: A Prospective, Nonrandomized, Pre-Post Study https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2016/9202675/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 19, 2022

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