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What Happens To Untreated Non-Allergic Rhinitis & When To Go To Doctor?

Allergic rhinitis is the most widespread and most commonly accepted type of rhinitis. Non-allergic rhinitis is perhaps becoming very common affecting hundreds and thousands of patients. In general, this condition is less recognized and therefore, less diagnosed.

Vasomotor rhinitis, or chronic nonallergic rhinitis, is an irritation of the membranes inside the nasal passage. Although this condition is not life-threatening, yet it can induce serious discomforts. Nonallergic rhinitis is at times impossible to differentiate from allergic rhinitis. Nevertheless, it is diagnosed in patients who have negative tests for allergies and also who do not have sinusitis.

There is no permanent cure for non-allergic rhinitis, however, several patients find relief by avoiding triggers or following medication provided by their health care providers. But what happens when non-allergic rhinitis left untreated?

What Happens To Untreated Nonallergic Rhinitis?

What Happens To Untreated Nonallergic Rhinitis?

Patients, when infected with common cold doesn’t often take things seriously. However, when their cold persists for more than two weeks and has continuous sneezing in the morning, they take over the counter medicines to get some relief and to recover from nasal congestion. 1.

In some cases, OTC medicines don’t help in certain patients and their symptoms last for more than a couple of weeks. Medical theories state that common cold gets resolved in two to three weeks. Their symptoms include

However, when it lasts for several weeks, it might be due to irritation or inflammation of the nasal passages which is often referred to as non-allergic rhinitis. It has become one of the most prevalent diseases and almost 20 percent of the world population suffers from this condition.

Several people suffer from rhinitis, yet this condition can be overshadowed by other chronic syndromes recognized in a medical clinic. Failure to diagnose or treat this condition has serious side effects.

One of the primary reasons why this condition is unrecognized is, the mechanism of non-allergic rhinitis is unknown. While allergic rhinitis shows several symptoms, the etiology of non-allergic rhinitis is left unanswered. Nevertheless, few mechanisms such as entropy, nociceptive dysfunction, and autonomic nervous system abnormalities distinguish between the two.

Untreated or uncontrolled symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis can substantially impact the quality of life. In addition, it enhances the risk of verbal/facial deformities, nasal polyposis, sinusitis, otitis media, and social and psychosomatic disorders. Children are also at risk for permanent facial abnormalities from untreated rhinitis. Beyond these physical and emotional impacts, it also results in an economic burden. 2. 3.

When You Should Go To The Doctor For Non-Allergic Rhinitis?

Rhinitis symptoms in some instances can be long-lasting. However, with many patients, they can come and go. There are certain situations during which you should go to a doctor immediately. Such conditions include

  • You have serious symptoms
  • Your symptoms last for more than three weeks and you are not getting relief through over the counter medications
  • Your symptoms become severe after taking over the counter medicines

Medical studies state that diagnosing non-allergic rhinitis can be challenging, but the experts predict that this condition prevails when blood vessels in your nose expand and fill the nasal lining with blood and fluid. Despite the trigger caused, the final outcome is still the same inducing swelling in the nasal membranes and watery, itchy eyes or itchy ears.

If you are suffering from non-allergic rhinitis, you need to take measures to keep your symptoms under control to avoid flare-ups such as preventing causing conditions, avoid using nasal decongestants that can worsen your condition and look for the proper treatment to stabilize or reduce the symptoms. 4. 5.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 5, 2021

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