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What Leads To Nonallergic Rhinitis & Can It Be Cured?

Nonallergic Rhinitis mentions a set of various symptoms, which resemble hay fever or nasal allergies. However, in the case of nonallergic ones, the problems take place without any specific cause. In most of the cases, nonallergic rhinitis produces a few of the common symptoms. These include runny rose, postnasal drip, stuffy nose and sneezing. (1)

What Leads To Nonallergic Rhinitis?

What Leads To Nonallergic Rhinitis?

A few people experience the problem of the runny nose because of the food they have, allergic food items, seasonal types of allergies and various others, as we have discussed here.

Gustatory Rhinitis: Whenever a person suffers from running nose after he/she eats and without experiencing additional symptoms related to an allergic reaction, he/she suffers from gustatory rhinitis. This type of rhinitis affects many people after they have spicy or hot food. The reason for this is that once a person consumes any spicy food, his trigeminal sensory nerve stimulates, which leads to the problem of running rose.

Food Allergies: Even though food allergies often do not cause a runny nose, they may result in nasal congestion and related symptoms, which appear even within 2hours you have a specific type of food. A few of the food allergies even need a medical emergency. Symptoms related to food allergy may be anything from mild ones to severe forms. These are coughing, dizziness, wheezing and breathing shortness, nasal congestion, itchy skin, hives, tightening of the throat, swelling in the face and body. A few of the common triggers related to food allergy are fishes, especially shell fish, tree nuts and peanuts, dairy products, eggs, soy, and wheat.

Vasomotor Rhinitis Or Idiopathic Rhinitis: Idiopathic or vasomotor rhinitis associated with runny nose problem is triggered by specific physical and environmental changes, which causes swelling of the nose lining. Besides the runny nose, the problem also causes sneezing, congestion, headaches, postnasal drip, coughing, and facial pressure. Common triggers associated with vasomotor rhinitis are-

  • A specific type of odors, like those of perfumes, ink and cigarette smoking
  • Changes in weather conditions, like air pressure, humidity and temperature
  • Changes in hormones and emotions
  • Bright lights (2)

Whether Nonallergic Rhinitis Is Curable Or Non-Curable?

Nonallergic rhinitis is an incurable disease. However, you may control or manage your symptoms based on the following important steps-

  1. Strictly avoid any trigger of nonallergic rhinitis
  2. Use an effective home remedy to handle the issue, like for instance nasal irrigation
  3. Intake both prescribed and over-the-counter medications

If you suffer from nonallergic rhinitis, you should make sure to avoid smoking activity strictly. Simultaneously, you should check that none of your family members is smoking at home. Especially, a majority of people suffering from nonallergic rhinitis have benefited a lot via nasal irrigation method. Accordingly, you have to rinse the nostrils by using a saline solution for certain numbers of times in one day. For doing this, you have to use over-the-counter products, like neti-pots, bulb syringes, and bottle sprayers. Nasal irrigation is especially helpful in the treatment of postnasal drip provided you perform it 2times in a day. Even it helps you in the clearing of sinuses prior to the usage of medicated nasal sprays.

Additional strategies to reduce rhinitis triggers’ exposure:

You have to follow a few other strategies to reduce your exposure to rhinitis triggers, which are-

  • Strictly avoid fireplaces and wood-burning stoves in the case they cause any type of symptom
  • Strictly avoid any household spray, cleaning agent, scented product or perfume if they trigger the problem of a runny nose.
  • Ask your friends and family members to avoid using any scented product, which causes any symptom.
  • Avoid the use of materials or chemicals, which tend to cause a runny nose or sneeze.

Consult your doctor about the necessary medications and the ones, you are already taking. If any specific medicine triggers your rhinitis, your doctor may recommend a substitute for it. (3)


To conclude, we should say that nonallergic rhinitis may take place because of multiple reasons and triggers, while it is an incurable disease. However, one can easily control or manage symptoms by following certain methods and strategies effectively.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 19, 2022

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