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Healthy Snacking Ideas

Most of us have the habit of snacking at the odd times of the day. While watching movies or sitting long hours at the desk, working, we often crave to snack on something. Unhealthy snacking options increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.(2)

Snacking is a great idea to keep the blood sugar levels steady or to prevent you from overeating at meals. Binging on unhealthy food leads to lack of nutrition and give you a feeling of fullness, at the time you have to take your meal.

The snacking options should be low on calories, and high on the proper nourishing elements, so that whatever we are eating benefits our body. Many might find the combination with which the healthy snacks are made, boring, but they are excellent in taste and would actually satisfy your snack craving at that time.

Healthy Snacking Ideas

Healthy Snacking Ideas

  1. Spiced Nuts: A soul-warming snack, spiced nuts prove to be a very healthy option if you are craving something salty with a little spice. Toss a combination of pecans, almonds, cashews, and a pinch of cayenne. Roast them until warm and toasty. Nuts are healthy containing most of the nutrients and give a feeling of fullness for a small period of time.
  2. Cherry-Ginger Bars: For those with sweet tooth these cherry and ginger hermit bars sound a very good option. Instead of binging on the sugary cookies these healthy bars are sure to wave off the mid meals craving. They are easy to make(1) and can be easily carried anywhere.
  3. Greek Cucumber Salad: This light and refreshing snack can be made quickly and with ease. The ingredients used in it are widely available. It is very hydrating. Chop cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives, onion, and feta, and sprinkle some olive oil and lemon juice to it. Add salt and pepper, and a quick and healthy snack is ready.
  4. Apple and Peanut Butter: This sweet and salty combo is a mixture of protein and lots of fiber, which helps you in staying satiated for long hours. Apply 2 tablespoon peanut butter on the apple slices and snack on it whenever there is an urge to eat or binge on something.
  5. Kale Chips: Take fresh kale and clean them. Remove the stems and ribs. Toss some olive oil, salt, and pepper on them and bake for 5 minutes. This is a healthy snack with you can put your hand on, anytime you are hungry.
  6. Easy Pita: Fill the pita from inside with lots of hummus and top it with tomato, onion, and lettuce. It is a healthy and a filling snacking option for the in-between meals hunger.
  7. Quesadilla: Take one high-fiber whole grain quesadilla and sprinkle low-fat cheese on it. Top it with salsa and fold over the other side. Microwave it for 20 seconds.
  8. Instant Oats: Take a pack of unflavoured oats and make them as directed. You can add walnut and pistachios to it to raise the nutritional value. Those fond of sweets can add a little bit of honey to it.
  9. Egg Salad Wraps: It is a keto friendly healthy snack. Chop two hard boiled eggs and mix them with diced pickles. Add olive oil, spicy mustard and a pinch of cayenne to it. When you want to eat it put the egg salad with the lettuce, and eat it like a burrito.
  10. Mexican Bowl: Take equal parts of cooked brown rice and black beans. Top it with chicken or steak, salsa, corn, and guacamole. You can eat it with a small handful of tortilla chips to add some extra crunch.

These are just a few power recipes. You can according to your taste combine a few of the healthy foods to create a good snack. Such snacks unlike the other junks are healthy and keep you full. Therefore instead of binging frequently it will help keep you satiated for long and also give you nutrition. These healthy snacks keep up your energy levels making sure you do not slosh down by the end of a hectic day.

Eat healthy and stay fit with a good energy level to crack off anything that comes in your way.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2021

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