What Causes Low Energy & How To Deal With It?

Low energy makes it very difficult to get through the day. When one suffers from low energy levels, performing the daily tasks and activities becomes harder than they actually are. Low energy levels actually become a big barrier to success.

Low energy can be a symptom of a variety of bad habits and negative lifestyle factors. Constant low energy and feeling fatigued can be a sign of a serious illness, which should not be ignored. For persistent low energy, it is important to find out its cause and consult a doctor.

Important Signs of Low Energy Levels

  • Feeling moody and stressed out.
  • Unable to get out of bed.
  • Feeling tired all the time.
  • Feeling sleepy.
  • Difficulty in concentration.
  • Difficulty in performing daily tasks.

What Causes Low Energy Levels?

Being Overweight. Obesity is a leading cause of low energy levels in a person. When a person is overweight, the body feels sluggish and slow. Obesity is also a sign of poor diet and lack of exercise, which is also a causative factor of low energy.

What Causes Low Energy Levels?

Increased Carbohydrate Intake. Carbohydrates like refined grains and simple sugars lead to spikes and fall in the glucose level in the blood, which makes a person completely drained out and suffer from low energy.

Lack of Physical Activity. Low physical activity makes your body and mind relax more and stay in a state of rest for a prolonged time. Exercises do make you tired, but exercise is essential for energy generation. If you feel low on energy and lethargic most of the time, it is really important to build exercise and fitness routine.

Emotional Trauma & Mood Disorder. Any type of emotional stress or trauma negatively impacts the energy levels, especially when the stress is affecting the sleep.

Depression, anxiety, and an unstable mood are common causes of low energy. Anxiety and constant worrying may lead to insomnia and low energy levels the next day.

Blood Sugar Imbalance. Blood sugar imbalance is caused by eating refined carbohydrates. Insulin resistance leads to chronically high blood sugar, which needs to be counteracted by the high insulin level dose. Hypoglycemia can be a result of high and low blood sugar fluctuations. Both these health issues lead to improper functioning of the mitochondria due to inconsistent blood sugar levels for energy production and causes low energy. If you eat fewer carbohydrates in the diet, you are likely to have more energy, fewer mood swings and low chances of getting diabetes.

Anemia. Anemia occurs due to lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. This leads to fatigue, exhaustion, and feeling weak. Anemia causes low energy because the body is not getting enough oxygen it needs to function properly. Anemia is caused by a poor diet with low vitamin and iron content. Anemia may also result from certain disease or medical condition, which needs to be treated accordingly to improve the energy levels.

Food Sensitivities. The side effect of food sensitivity is fatigue and poor overall health. Food sensitivities lower the energy levels and make you feel tired throughout the day.

Sedentary Lifestyle. Most of us have jobs which require you to sit for long hours every day. Even at our home, we sit for long hours in front of the television or play video games, which contribute to the sedentary lifestyle. This kind of lifestyle makes you feel more fatigued and lethargic results in low levels of energy.

Dehydration. It is very important to compensate the water loss in your body from urination, certain medications, sweating and outdoor heat. Dehydration leads to an electrolyte imbalance which further leads to energy depletion and causes low energy. Inadequate hydration can negatively affect brain function too.

Getting Inadequate Sleep. Not getting enough sleep is very harmful to health. Stress, anxiety, mood disorder and even sleeping in the daytime can be the reasons for disrupting sleep. Lack of sleep affects the concentration, makes it difficult to perform daily duties as you may feel sleepy throughout. Insomnia also causes you to feel low on energy.

How to Deal with Low Energy?

Healthy Diet. The most important tip to cope with low energy is eating a healthy diet, which includes all the fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain and low-fat dairy products. Diet should contain food rich in iron to combat anemia which makes you feel fatigued most of the time. Never skip meals as it may lead to a dip in the blood sugar level, and also never over eat large meals as they can also drain the energy levels. Avoid caffeine beverages like tea, coffee, colas. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated to feel energized the whole day.

Sleep Well. Getting a good night’s sleep plays a big role in maintaining the energy levels the next day. If you need to have a proper sleep schedule, avoid naps at an unscheduled time and limit your caffeine intake. It is important to alleviate your stress also if you want sound sleep at night to recharge your energy levels. Never get into the habit of taking sleeping pills as they can affect the sleep in long term. Learning some relaxing techniques can also help with insomnia. Sleeping well keeps your energy levels high and also keeps you active the next day.

Lifestyle Changes. Few changes in lifestyle can help fight fatigue and deal with low energy levels. Quit smoking as the carbon monoxide in cigarette reduce the amount of oxygen present in blood and lowers the energy level. Increase your physical activity level by including exercise, daily walking, or any kind of sport in the routine, as it boosts the energy levels.

Reduce Stress. More than half of the cases of low energy levels are due to some psychological factor. Reducing stress and anxiety can help you get good sleep, can relax the mind and give a spike to the energy levels. There are various calming exercises, such as deep breathing and meditation which can help keep the mind relaxed and calm.
Suffering from low energy level is very common and every 2nd or 3rd person we meet complains of it. Following a healthy lifestyle can help increase your energy and keep you active and more focused.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2021

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