Can Grave’s Disease Be Treated?

Can Grave’s Disease Be Treated?

When detected in the early stages, it is possible to treat Grave’s disease with ease. However, attending to the situation develops an uncomfortable environment and other disorders, which in rare cases causes death. The primary intent of the remedy is to provide control over the production of hormones by thyroid glands.

Grave’s disease is an illness caused due to the presence of antibodies that mimic thyroid-stimulating hormones that produce a false signal for the generation of hormones by thyroid glands. The excess production causes hypothyroidism and leads to several complications. An endocrinologist will provide you with the recommended treatment that will fit your health and help in reduction of the output of hormones by thyroid glands.

Can Grave’s Disease Be Treated?

The treatment methods for grave’s disease include:

Antithyroid Medications

Beta-blockers or antithyroid medications are common drugs that prevent the production of hormones by thyroid glands. Propylthiouracil and Methimazole are the common medications prescribed by the doctors, as they can interfere with the production of hormones by thyroid glands. Although the use of the medicine helps in reduction of the symptoms, stopping the drug may result in the development of hyperthyroidism again.

If you sense any sign of side effects, then the composition present in the medicines are allergic to you and can cause itching, skin rashes, and hives. It is necessary to consult the doctor immediately upon noticing any side effects. Depending on the condition, the doctor will make an essential alteration to the medication. Additional side effects include vomiting, temporary nausea, headache, heartburn, loss of taste, metallic taste, muscle and joint aches.

It is necessary to speak with the doctor related to the side effects of the use of the drugs that treat Grave’s disease. The reaction of the medicines differs from one individual to other. Speaking about the severe side effects will be helpful in preventing one from occurring. The significant side effect that an individual can experience from the use of the drugs is agranulocytosis. The side effect reduces the production of white blood cells. Due to the decrease in white blood cells, the body becomes vulnerable to infection and other disorders. However, such an occurrence is rare. Nonetheless, it is advisable to reach out to the doctor if you notice a sore throat or develop a fever while using antithyroid medicines.

Radioactive Iodine Therapy

A few of the doctors are in favor of using radioactive iodine therapy. The reason is that antithyroid medicines are not favorable for long-term use. Doctors provide radioactive iodine in a capsule or as a water-based solution. Thyroid glands utilize iodine to produce hormones. With the help of CT and MRI scan, the doctor can provide information about the increased usage of the iodine by thyroid glands. Such a situation points towards Grave’s disease.

By opting for radioactive iodine therapy, the doctor is destroying the tissue cells which further help in reducing the production of hormone levels by thyroid glands.

Nonetheless, there is an ongoing debate whether to opt for a fixed dose or prescribe the treatment according to the individual/patient’s condition.

The initial intention of the treatment is to provide the required amount of thyroid tissue necessary for the production of hormones that produce a balance in the body. However, several patients develop hypothyroidism during the treatment. Hypothetically, treating hypothyroidism is comfortable than treating Grave’s disease. Therefore, it is all right for an individual to develop hypothyroidism while following the radioactive iodine therapy.


Surgery is the last option to treat Grave’s disease. Only selective patients are eligible for surgery. For instance, people who are intolerant to antithyroid medication have the operation as the only option to treat the disease. Besides, a doctor recommends surgery for pregnant women when the medicines are no longer functioning.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 14, 2021

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