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What is Liquid Facelift & How is it Performed?|Guidelines, Risks, Side Effects of Liquid Facelift

What is Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a cosmetic procedure which involves injecting derma fillers into the skin to plump it up. Its goal is to reduce sagging and wrinkles. It is also used to:

  • Plump up the lips
  • Reduce hollow areas under the eyes
  • Fill in the cheeks
  • Tighten the wrinkles around the lips, eyes, and forehead
  • Reduce the appearance of scars
  • An ideal candidate for the procedure is the one with fewer wrinkles and a small amount of sagging. If the skin has a lot of sags, a surgical facelift might be better.
  • Liquid facelifts involve dermal injection which plumps up the skin reducing fine lines and sagging.

As you age the connective tissues collagen and elastin break down. The loss of fat on the face can lead to a gaunt look of the face. This makes you look older and look out for procedures which can reverse the effects. Fillers work by filling up space in the layers of the skin reducing the appearance of wrinkled and sagging skin.

What is Liquid Facelift?

How Is Liquid Facelift Performed?

  • The liquid facelift procedure is done by a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon.
  • They examine the skin and face and describe the procedure to the individual.

Before starting, the area where the procedure is to be performed is anesthetized. The face is then injected, which can give a sting like pain. The injections take a few minutes, as in one session, all the injections are given. The session lasts for about 15-30 minutes.

Post-Procedure Guidelines for Liquid Facelift

  • Mostly the people can get back to work the next day, a few might take a little time off because of bruising.
  • The dermatologist gives skincare advice to follow after the fillers. You are advised to apply ice on the face to reduce swelling and avoid exercise, sun, and tanning beds.
  • The results are immediate mostly and last for up to 6-24 months. After this more filler are required to maintain the appearance.
  • Areas Where Liquid Facelift Can Be Performed
  • Liquid facelifts generally are done on the face but can also be used for hands.

On the face, there are various areas which a plastic surgeon can target such as,

  • Under the eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Near the eyebrows
  • Temples
  • The jowls
  • Around the scars
  • Folds between nose and mouth

The procedure might differ from everybody and the result entirely depends on the desired result.

Risks or Side Effects Of Liquid Facelifts

  • Compared to surgical facelifts, liquid facelifts might leave a little bruise. Fillers around the eyes bruise a little more.
  • Those using blood thinning medication should inform the doctor beforehand as the bruising could be worse in them. Also, those taking supplements or any multivitamin should bring it to the notice of the doctor performing the procedure.
  • A person might notice some pain, swelling, and redness after the procedure.

According to a study, some serious adverse effects were noticed in the individuals undergoing the procedure such as(1)

  • Allergic reactions
  • Bacterial infections such as staphylococcus and streptococcus infection at the puncture site
  • Herpes simplex virus flare-ups
  • Fillers entering the blood vessels in the injected areas leading to skin necrosis
  • It is very important to keep an eye on the symptoms and inform the doctor regarding any allergy or flu-like symptoms.

A liquid facelift is a good option for addressing the signs of aging without going under a knife. The risks associated are lower than the surgical approach and the results are quite impressive.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 14, 2019

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