If an individual suffers from minor thalassemia, his or her hemoglobin genes inherit during the conception procedure i.e. one from the egg and one from the sperm of the mother and the father respectively. People possessing Thalassemia trait in single gene are carriers i.e. suffer from thalassemia minor. Only way to identify whether you are a Thalassemia carrier or not is to undergo a special form of blood test referred as hemoglobin electrophoresis. This test identifies the affected gene and the carriers become anemic a bit.
Does Folic Acid Help Thalassemia Minor?
Individuals suffering from minor form of thalassemia often do not require blood transfusion procedures. This is because; they suffer from mild anemia or do not suffer from anemia. In this situation, doctors prescribe Vitamin B supplement to such patients i.e. Folic Acid to treat the problem of anemia. The main role of folic acid is to help in the development of red blood cells to overcome the symptoms related to the problem.
Key Aspects of Folic Acid and Folate
Folic acid and folate are forms of various water-soluble Vitamin B components. Folate is available naturally in various food items, while folic acid is a vitamin available in synthetic form of folate.
Folic acid is essential to achieve proper development of a person. It helps in the production of DNA i.e., a genetic material and in various other essential body functions.
To get nutritional benefits of folic acid, you should consume varieties of leafy veggies, like lettuce, broccoli, spinal, asparagus and okra. In addition, you will find folic acid in different fruits, like lemons, melons and bananas.
Why Folic Acid Is Recommended?
Folic acid acts as a coenzyme for varieties of essential biochemical reactions. These include synthesis of pyrimidines, purines and nucleoproteins. Doctors recommend for 65 micrograms to 200 micrograms of folic acid on a daily basis for both children and infants.
In addition, a large number of research studies have found that folic acid is helpful to avoid and treat low blood levels associated with folate deficiency and related complications. These include anemia i.e. tired blood and incapability of bowels to absorb nutrients in a right way. Folic acid is also useful to cure various other conditions, which include liver problems, kidney dialysis, and folate deficiency and so on.
Probability to Pass on Thalassemia on Newborn Baby
If your parents, one among your ancestors or you belong to thalassemia problem, it is essential for you request a blood test from your doctor or pathologist. It is essential to identify that you are a possible thalassemia minor carrier in advance. If you and your partner both have minor trait, you have 25 percent chance that your upcoming baby will suffer from Thalassemia major. In this situation, increased awareness will help you to avoid the future problems.
Important Facts on Minor Thalassemia
Persons suffering from minor form of Thalassemia have a single copy of the gene related to beta thalassemia combined with a normal beta-chain gene. These people are heterozygous towards the problem.
As the name highlights, individuals with minor thalassemia experience slight lowering in the hemoglobin level in their blood i.e. mild anemia, which closely resembles to mild form of iron deficiency.
However, if you suffer from anemia even in its mild form, you may experience weakness or tiredness.
In addition, you may experience breathing shortness, dizziness, relatively faster heartbeat rate, muscular cramps particularly in your leg areas, headache, difficulty in concentration and pale skin.
Based on various valuable pieces of information about minor thalassemia, its problems, probability to pass on to new baby and its treatment in the form of folic acid or folate, we should say that folic acid is helpful to manage the condition of minor thalassemia. However, depending on specific situations, patients have to undergo with therapies and blood transfusions in some cases if doctors recommend them to do so.
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