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How Common Is Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Or Is It A Rare Disease?

Progressive supranuclear palsy is a type of rare and progressive condition, which causes problems with movement, balance, vision, swallowing, and speech. The problem occurs due to an increase in damaged brain cells with time.(1)

The problem of progressive supranuclear palsy develops from the brain cells’ deterioration in small but essential areas at the brain’s base. An important affected brain area because of PSP is substantia nigra. Whenever this brain area gets affected by the disease, large numbers of palsy symptoms become visible.(2)

Difficulty in balance, often with numbers of falls is the major symptom associated with the problem of progressive supranuclear palsy. People misinterpret other common early PSP symptoms as senility or depression. These are personality changes and forgetfulness, along with loss of interest to perform ordinary activities or an increase in irritability.(3)

How Common Is Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Or Is It A Rare Disease?

Based on the definition itself, progressive supranuclear palsy is a rare and degenerative type of brain disorder, which affects walking control, movement and balance control, cognition, speech, and vision. PSP highlights the common type of atypical Parkinsonism and it has a prevalence of 6.5cases from 1000 people approximately. The neuropathological hallmark associated with PSP is biochemical alternation in the protein called tau, which leads to neurodegeneration and gliosis in the brainstem, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal areas.(4)

Another research study has revealed that approximately three to six people from every 100,000 people across the world or about 20,000 people from America suffer from progressive supranuclear palsy even though there is some variation in the estimates will vary. Because of this, PSP is less common as compared to any other type of movement disorder including Parkinson’s disease, where about 50,000 people from America undergo diagnose every year. Symptoms related to PSP start on an average after 60years but in some cases, PSP may even take place early.(5)


Based on the aforementioned facts, we should say that progressive supranuclear palsy condition and its underlying symptoms are rare ones.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 1, 2020

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