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How Do You Stop Progressive Supranuclear Palsy From Spreading?

Scientists are looking for ways to stop the accumulations that potentially impairs the neuron cells in the brain and treating each of these disorders.1

Progressive supranuclear palsy does not spread from person to person and is not associated with environmental factors as well.2,3

Most conditions of PSP are caused by the misfolding of tau protein that spreads from cell to cell causing damage to the brain cells but there is no relevant mechanism to control the spread. 4.

Progressive supranuclear palsy previously believed to be a common form of atypical parkinsonism. With advanced research in clinical pathology, new research identifies the early presentation of PSP. PSP involves a range of complications that encompass behavioral, language, and movement abnormalities.

PSP has an increased association with tau protein abnormalities both neuropathologically and hereditarily therefore most research is happening to tau related therapies. A study was conducted on several PSP patients in the UK and the study showed that a peak prevalence was noticed in people between the ages 70-74.

How Do You Stop Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?

Progressive supranuclear palsy is not a curable condition however the symptoms can be managed through proper treatments. A study was conducted by experts based on molecular theory. The mechanism focussed on protein PERK (protein kinase) which plays a potential part in the maintenance system. However, this mechanism did not yield effective results and the results were found to be unproductive.

There are several hypotheses on the cause of progressive supranuclear palsy and a central hypothesis suggests that the abnormalities caused by the accumulation of the tau proteins in the brain cells that affected the linked neurons to create a protein clump. When the protein clumps are created, toxic protein begins its spread through the nervous system. But there are no theories to explain how the process is triggered.1

However, scientists believe that one possibility is traditional toxic neurons take ages to develop visible effects that are often seen in disorders like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Another possibility is indiscriminate MAPT protein mutation. The protein mutations occur in all of us at all times however when this happens in particular cells or certain genes in a specific combination, it injures the brain cells.

The third possibility of occurrence is due to exposure to chemical components to the food, air, or water that damages susceptible parts of the nervous system. When certain cells of the brain are affected, some of the characteristics of progressive supranuclear palsy resemble Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Most scientists suggest that PSP does not spread from person to person and is not associated with environmental factors as well.2,3

Is There Any Treatment To Reduce The Spread Or Improve The Symptoms?

There are no treatments to stop or slow down the progression of the disease. Disease in their initial stages can be treated through medications used in the treatment of Parkinson’s. These medicines can help manage the symptoms and has proven results in patients who experienced difficulties in thinking and memory troubles. People with progressive supranuclear palsy have behavioral problems and have difficulties in controlling their emotions such as crying or laughing uncontrollably. During such instances, antidepressants help manage depression and anxiety problems.

Most conditions of PSP are caused by the misfolding of tau protein that spreads from cell to cell causing damage to the brain cells but there is no relevant mechanism to control the spread. Speech and language therapists can help deal with your problems of speech and swallowing difficulties.4


  1. “Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Research: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: UT Southwestern Medical Center.” Progressive Supranuclear Palsy | UT Southwestern Medical Center, https://utswmed.org/conditions-treatments/progressive-supranuclear-palsy/progressive-supranuclear-palsy-research/
  2. “Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Fact Sheet.” National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/patient-caregiver-education/fact-sheets/progressive-supranuclear-palsy-fact-sheet.
  3. Shoeibi, Ali, et al. “Frontrunner in Translation: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 8 Oct. 2019, www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2019.01125/full.
  4. NHS Choices, NHS, www.esht.nhs.uk/service/speech-and-language-therapy/communication-and-swallowing.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 30, 2021

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