PSP i.e. Progressive Supranuclear palsy is one of the uncommon brain disorders, which affect gait i.e. walking control, physical movements, and balance. Besides, you may face difficulty in swallowing foods, speech, vision, thinking, mood, and behavior. The disease takes place from damage to the brain and nerve cells.(1)
The underlying cause of the Supranuclear palsy condition is unknown and uncertain. However, neurologists perceive that the problem takes place because of the accumulation of a protein called tau inside the human brain.(2)
According to the report revealed by progressive supranuclear palsy Association, approximately 4,000 people suffering from the condition of PSP are living in different areas of the United Kingdom.(3)
What To Eat When You Have Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
We know that progressive supranuclear palsy is a type of brain disorder. Hence, we should recommend the same diet plan food items to eat and avoid, as you follow in the case of any other brain disorder.
Oily Fish: Oily fishes are excellent sources of Omega-3 type of fatty acids, which help you in building membranes across each cell in your body, especially the brain cells. In this way, oily fish helps you to improve neurons i.e. brain cells’ structure.
Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains cacao or cocoa, which further contains a flavonoid type of antioxidant. Flavonoid types of antioxidants are very much essential for improved brain health, as the human brain is susceptible to oxidative stress and contributes to brain problems combined with cognitive decline related to age.
Berries: Similar to the case of dark chocolates, berries also contain flavonoid types of antioxidants, which reduce both oxidative stress and inflammation problems. Common antioxidants found in berries are caffeic acid, anthocyanin, quercetin, and catechin.
Seeds And Nuts: Seeds and nuts are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants of Vitamin E to protect the brain cells from free radicals and their related oxidative stress. Especially, you should include almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts types of seeds and nuts in your diet, as they contain Vitamin E in high amounts.
Whole Grains: Having whole grains also lets you get health benefits from Vitamin E. A few of the common whole grains to include in your diet are barley, brown rice, oatmeal, bulgur wheat, whole-grain pasta, and whole-grain bread.
Avocados: Avocados are excellent sources of unsaturated and healthy fats to give support to your brain. Having monounsaturated fats reduce your blood pressure and risk related to cognitive decline.
Peanuts: Peanuts belong to the category of legumes and they come with a high amount of nutrition. These contain protein and unsaturated fats in heavy amounts to keep the energy level of a person high for the entire day. Peanuts also contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your brain in a healthy condition. Along with this, you should try other products, which contain healthy yet unsaturated fats, like flaxseeds, cashews, almonds, sunflower, soybean, walnuts, canola oil, and Brazil nuts.(4)
What To Avoid When You Have Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
Sugary Drinks: High intake of any sugary drink will increase your risk to cause dementia. Syrups containing fructose in high amounts are harmful for your brain, as they cause inflammation of the brain, difficulty in learning, and memory impairment.
Refined Carbohydrates: A high intake of white flour or refined flour and other types of refined carbohydrates come with high glycemic load and glycemic index. High levels of GL and GI result in impairment of intelligence and memory while increasing your risk to suffer from dementia.
Processed Food Items: Processed food items contribute towards the accumulation of excessive fat across the organs, which leads to a decline in the brain tissue. These food items also increase your risk related to memory impairment and brain inflammation, cause brain plasticity, and create a barrier between your brain and blood.
Aspartame: Aspartame is a type of artificial sweetener found in most of the sugar-free products and soft drinks. It has links with cognitive and behavioral problems, as found in most of the studies.(5)
Therefore, to stay healthy and manage your condition related to Progressive Supranuclear palsy, you should strictly follow the right diet plan.
Also Read:
- How Quickly Does Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Progress & Is PSP Similar To ALS?
- What Are The Final Stages Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy & How Long Does The Last Stage Of PSP Last?
- How Long Can A Person Live With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
- What Are The 4 Stages Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
- Does Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Run In Families & Is It Worse Than Parkinson’s?
- What Is The Best Treatment For Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
- What Leads To Progressive Supranuclear Palsy & Can It Be Cured?