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How To Manage The Symptoms Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?

Progressive supranuclear palsy is one of the brain disorders, which even though is rare but causes severe and progressive problems. Many individuals suffering from PSP thus experience lacking control of balance and gait combined with thinking problems and complex eye movements. The inability to aim eyes in the right way is the major sign of PSP and it takes place because of brain lesions, which coordinate the movements of eyes.(1)

Approximately five to six individuals from a total of 100,000 people suffer from the condition of PSP. Symptoms often start whenever a person completes 60years of age. However, PSP conditions may even take place during the 40s. PSP condition is relatively common in men as compared to women.(2)

How To Manage The Symptoms Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?

How To Manage The Symptoms Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?

Until now, there is no treatment procedure or medication available to prevent the spread of progressive supranuclear palsy or control its symptoms completely. However, there are certain methods and strategies, which will help you manage most of the symptoms.

Medications To Deal With Parkinson’s Disease: Medications used for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease are effective to improve the physical balance and muscular flexibility. These are levodopa medicines, which are recommendable in combination with several other medications. A few of the old categories of antidepressants, like fluoxetine, amitriptyline, and imipramine may help in relieving the symptoms.

Small Doses Of Botox Injections: Doctors will inject botox injections in small doses in the muscles across your eyes. Botox blocks various chemical signals, which cause contraction of muscles and thereby, improves the spasms of eyelids.

Additional Aids: If you suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy, you should use additional aids to make your life easy. These include the following-

  • Special glasses equipped with prisms to improve the vision
  • Weighted tools to walk easily and at the same time, to avoid falling in the backward direction
  • Physical exercise and therapies to improve your flexibility

Feeding Tube: Whenever your symptoms of progressive supranuclear palsy advance and create difficulty in swallowing food, you should use a feeding tube. The tube passes from an opening in your abdominal skin within the stomach. The tube mainly provides you the necessary nutrition.(4) (5)

Therapy Treatments: Along with the aforementioned treatment methods, doctors recommend the following types of therapies to deal with the progressive supranuclear palsy condition and its symptoms.

Occupational therapy is recommendable to bring improvements in the necessary skills required to perform daily activities.

A combination of speech and language therapy is applicable for all patients of progressive supranuclear palsy, which need assistance to deal with swallowing and speech-related problems. The reason for this is that if the swallowing issue remains untreated, it leads to a life-threatening condition of pneumonia.(6)

Symptoms Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

The early stages of progressive supranuclear palsy are inability walk, stiffness, and falling spells. Falls dealt by any PSP patient often remain in the dizziness state before an individual falls actually. People often misdiagnose the condition of dizziness as a type of inner ear problem or hardening of arteries, which block the flow of blood towards the brain. PSP involves a few of the additional symptoms, like certain changes in the personality, forgetfulness, and loss of interest to socialize with family members and friends.(3)


There is no specific way to prevent the spread of the progressive supranuclear palsy condition and its symptoms. However, doctors recommend certain methods and strategies to manage the underlying condition and lead a better life.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 9, 2021

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