Brain aneurysm surgery is not dangerous. Brain aneurysm repair refers to the surgical procedure associated with the correction of aneurysm problem. This indicates a weak area of human brain’s blood vessel wall and it cause the vessel to balloon or bulge out and may cause rupture or burst. This problem may result in-
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Bleeding across the brain area i.e. subarachnoid hemorrhage
Hematoma: Bleeding within the brain, which forms hematoma i.e. collection of blood.
Methods Involved to Repair Brain Aneurysm
Until now, surgeons have adopted two common methods to repair the problem of brain aneurysm. These include
Clipping: Clipping in case of open craniotomy method to cure brain aneurysm
Endovascular Repair: Endovascular repair by using mesh tubes and a coil, which is relatively less invasive method to deal with aneurysm.
Clipping/Open Craniotomy Method
In case of open craniotomy or clipping method
- Patients get a breathing tube and a general anesthesia
- Surgeons open your skull, scalp and other brain coverings
- Finally, doctors place a metallic clip at the neck or base of aneurysm to avoid it from bursting or breaking open.
Endovascular Repair Method
In case of endovascular repair associated with the problem of brain aneurysm-
Anesthesia: Doctors begin the procedure by giving general anesthesia and placing a breathing tube or they may give some medicines to relax you, but do not allow you to sleep.
Catheter: Catheter guides you via a small cut in the artery’s groin and later on, in the blood vessel of your brain right at the location of your brain aneurysm. Catheter also helps in injecting the contrast material to help surgeons in viewing of arteries and your brain aneurysm on the desktop in the respective operation room.
Coiling: Now, surgeons perform the actual coiling method i.e. place thin metals in the brain aneurysm and coil them within a mesh ball. Blood clots forming across this coil avoid the breaking open and bleeding of the brain aneurysm. Alternatively, surgeons prefer mesh tubes or stents to hold coils in their right places.
Heparin: You have to take heparin medicine both pre and post-surgical procedure. The main role of heparin medicine is to avoid dangerous clotting of bloods in the brain.
Risks Involved in the Brain Surgery (Both Open Craniotomy and Endovascular Repair Method)
Patients may face the following risks related to brain surgery, both in case of Endovascular Repair and Open Craniotomy method.
- Clotting of blood or bleeding inside or across the brain
- Swelling of the brain
- Infection in specific parts of the patients’ brain, like scalp or skull
- Risks related to stroke or seizures
- Surgery on a specific brain area may cause problems related to memory, speech, muscular weakness, vision, balance, coordination and several other functions.
- Neurological problems related to brain and nervous systems, such as-
- Confusion
- Behavioral changes
- Loss of coordination and balance
- Numbness
- Problems/difficulties in noticing nearby things
- Vision and speech problems
- Weakness feelings.
Precautions to Take After Surgical Treatment
Hospital Stay: Patients have to stay in the hospital for 1day or 2 days after endovascular repair provided there was no or negligible bleeding before the surgical procedure.
Stay Duration: In case of post craniotomy and brain aneurysm clipping, patient usually has to stay in the hospital for 4 days to 6 days. However, if patients suffer from bleeding or any other problem/complication, his stay in the hospital may be of 1 to 2 week period or may become even longer.
Tests: Doctors may take imaging tests of your brain’s blood vessels referred as angiogram before they discharge you from the hospital.
- Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Brain Aneurysm Repair.
- The NeuroMedical Center. (2021). Brain Aneurysm Treatment.
Also Read:
- What It Feels Like To Have A Brain Aneurysm, Know its Treatment & Recovery
- Detecting Brain Aneurysm: What Does It Feel Like When You Have A Brain Aneurysm?
- What are the Warning Signs of a Brain Aneurysm?
- How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Brain Aneurysm Surgery?
- Do Brain Aneurysms Run In The Family?
- Can You Fix A Brain Aneurysm?