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How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Brain Aneurysm Surgery?

Understanding about a brain aneurysm will be helpful in preventing it from rupturing. A brain aneurysm is a situation where an artery ruptures, which causes the blood in the artery to enter the space surrounding the brain. Due to this, a person suffers from several disabilities depending on the location of the rupture. Treating a brain aneurysm is possible only through the surgical process. However, the surgical procedure is risky, and physicians often look for different ways to address the illness.

Type of Brain Aneurysm Surgery

Depending on the severity and the location of a brain aneurysm, the physician will tend to opt for surgery. It can be before the occurrence of the bleeding or to treat an aneurysm after the rupture. The two types of operations involved are:

Open Craniotomy – A procedure where the doctor will place a clip at the base of an aneurysm by making a hole in the skull

Endovascular Repair – A system where the doctor performs surgery on different areas of the body through the blood vessels

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Brain Aneurysm Surgery?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Brain Aneurysm Surgery?

In a few cases, it is possible for the brain aneurysm patient to experience bleeding before or after brain aneurysm surgery that result in a few short or long-term problems. However, these are mild. Among the patients, a few tend to see the issues get better with time. If a person underwent either of the surgery, he/she would experience:

  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Nervousness
  • Seizure
  • Occurrence of frequent headaches.

Recovery after Craniotomy Brain Aneurysm Surgery

If the patient underwent craniotomy brain aneurysm surgery, the following points would be of immense help.

The recovery period for the craniotomy brain aneurysm surgery is between three and six weeks. However, if the patient experiences bleeding after the surgery, the recovery period extends by a few more weeks. At the same time, the person will feel tired for a minimum of 12 weeks.

If the patient experiences a brain injury or succumbs to a stroke, it is possible to develop dominant disabilities such as muscle weakness, numbness, and trouble in speaking.

There is a possibility for the patient to experience difficulty in remembering things. However, he/she will succeed with time.

It is natural for the patient to experience dizziness, feeling confused, and notice a change in the speech. If there is no bleeding after the brain aneurysm surgery, these problems disappear during the recovery period.

Recovery after Endovascular Brain Aneurysm Repair

If the patient underwent the endovascular brain aneurysm repair, it is possible for him or her to participate in daily activities after two weeks. It even includes driving a car. However, such things are only possible if there is no bleeding after the surgery. At the same time, it is preferable to speak with the surgeon about the participation in daily activities, as it will help in acquire details related to the safe activities.

Improving the Recovery Period of Brain Aneurysm

Apart from following the precautions as stated by the surgeon for brain aneurysm surgery, it is also crucial for the patient to follow self-care to improve the brain aneurysm surgery recovery period. Following a healthy lifestyle will be of immense help. A healthy lifestyle includes exercising, a well-planned diet, maintaining blood pressure, quitting smoking, and keeping away from alcohol and drugs. It is also necessary to ask the physician about participating in sexual activity.

Depending on the condition and the symptoms experienced by the patient, a doctor can include seizure medicine. In addition to it, the physician can also recommend to an occupational therapist to deal with the brain damage. Following these activities will help in quick recovery.


  1. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Brain Aneurysm Surgery: Clipping and Coiling. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/16911-brain-aneurysm-surgery-clipping-and-coiling]
  2. Brain Aneurysm Foundation. (n.d.). About Brain Aneurysms: Treatment. [https://www.bafound.org/about-brain-aneurysms/treatment/]
  3. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Stroke: Treatment and Drugs. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stroke/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350119]

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2023

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