Brain aneurysm is a medical condition where the artery supplying blood to brain gets swollen and becomes weak. The problem with brain aneurysm is that it does not have any significant symptom because of which it remains unnoticed. In some cases if the aneurysm is kept untreated for a prolonged period of time then the aneurysm may bust causing severe blood flow in the skull region ultimately causes stroke. In medical terms the condition when aneurysm burst is known as subarachnoid hemorrhage. Depending on patient’s condition subarachnoid hemorrhage can either lead to brain hemorrhage or even death of an individual.
Blood vessels that are present at the base region of the brain are the most common area where brain aneurysms may occur.
Causes of Brain Aneurysm
There are many ways by which an individual can suffer from brain aneurysm. Firstly it can be inherited and passed from one generation to another. It may also occur because of problem in the blood arteries. Some of the significant causes that leads to brain aneurysm are avoidable some while some are unavoidable. Let us take a look on some of the factors that drastically increases the possibility of brain aneurysm rupture are as follows:
Gender: Research reveals that women are more prone to develop brain aneurysm as compared to men.
Smoking and High Blood Pressure: People who smoke regularly or are suffering from high blood pressure are high prone towards brain aneurysm rupturing.
Race: Studies done on brain aneurysm have also revealed that white people suffer less from this problem as compared to Africans Americans.
Hereditary: People who have a family history of brain aneurysm are also prone to suffer from brain aneurysm rupturing and other brain related problems.
Identifying Brain Aneurysm
Identifying brain aneurysm is not easy because this problem does not have any significant symptoms. The problem can also be identified while diagnosis of some other health problem, which may or may not be related to this problem.
Some people have a misconception that brain aneurysm is harmful only when it ruptures but this is not true. In fact, an un-ruptured aneurysm is equally harmful as it exerts pressure on the brain causing burr vision, severe headache, intrusion in speech, neck problem and so on. Depending on the area where aneurysm occurs decides the problem area and the severity of the aftereffect problem.
Let us take a look on some of the symptoms brain aneurysm. Although its rare but some of the symptoms of brain aneurysm occurs suddenly without prior sign. If any of the below mentioned symptom is noticed then it is highly suggested to visit a doctor immediately.
- Unbearable pain in neck region
- Light sensitivity
- Seizures
- Vomiting sensation
- Severe Headache
- Sudden loss of consciousness.
There are some tests that are prescribed to patient who are suspected to suffer from brain aneurysm. The lists of test are as follows:
CTA i.e. Computed Tomography Angiogram Scan: CT scan is a standard method of detecting blood vessels condition but CTA is an advanced method. CTA scan technology makes use of combination of two technologies special computer techniques and CT scanning. During the test a dye is injected in the blood of the patients for producing blood vessels images.
Cerebral Angiogram: This text is performed with the help of X-ray, during the test a catheter is carefully inserted via blood vessel in the arm of the patient. The catheter is then moved up in the brain via blood vessel. In this test a dye is injected in the artery of the patient. This dye helps in identifying the problem from the core. Although this test have high risk as compared to MRA i.e. Magnetic resonance angiography but it helps i providing accurate results of brain aneurysms detection.
MRA i.e. Magnetic resonance Angiography: This test is conducted the similar way as CTA scan is done, but in MRA doctors make use of magnetic field in combination with radio waves for getting clear pictures of blood vessels. Just like in CTA and cerebral angiography, use of dye plays prominent role in the test for getting clear pictures.
- Bederson JB, Connolly ES Jr, Batjer HH, et al. Guidelines for the management of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a statement for healthcare professionals from a special writing group of the Stroke Council, American Heart Association. Stroke. 2009; 40(3): 994-1025.
- Lawton MT, Vates GE. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. N Engl J Med. 2017; 377(3): 257-266.
- Rinkel GJ, Djibuti M, Algra A, van Gijn J. Prevalence and risk of rupture of intracranial aneurysms: a systematic review. Stroke. 1998; 29(1): 251-256.
- Linn FH, Rinkel GJ, Algra A, van Gijn J. Incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage: role of region, year, and rate of computed tomography: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 1996; 27(4): 625-629.
- Connolly ES Jr, Rabinstein AA, Carhuapoma JR, et al. Guidelines for the management of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2012; 43(6): 1711-1737.
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