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Do Brain Aneurysms Run In The Family?

A brain aneurysm occurs due to a breach of an artery that allows the blood to flow into the arena that surrounds the brain. The rupture of the artery is due to a weak wall thickness of a blood vessel. An impressive point to note here is that an aneurysm can occur anywhere on the body. However, abdominal aorta and the brain are the common locations.

Do Brain Aneurysms Run In The Family?

Is a Brain Aneurysm Common Illness?

About 5% of the total population suffer from a brain aneurysm. Around 4 million people are suffering from cerebral aneurysms alone in the United States. However, they do not show any symptoms because a brain aneurysm does not produce any signs until there is a breach in the brain. Of the entire population, around 3% suffer from bleeding.

What is the Reason Behind The Formation? Are People Born With A Brain Aneurysm?

People are not born with a brain aneurysm. The development usually takes place after 40 years of age. Additionally, the development of a brain aneurysm occurs at branching points of the arteries. The reason behind this is due to the constant pressure that these branching points adhere. The development takes place at a slow pace, thus causing weakness in blood vessels. Due to this, the passing of the blood develops a balloon at the weak spot of the blood vessel causing it to expand and penetrate through the branching point. As the wall becomes weak, there is a rupture causing the blood flow to the brain that damages the brain severely.

Doctors often associate aneurysms with other blood disorders such as cerebral arteritis and fibromuscular dysplasia. In addition to this, an individual can also possess a brain aneurysm as part of an inheritance. It means that the occurrence is due to the presence of the condition that once in the family. However, people are rarely born with the condition. In a few cases, the occurrence of a brain aneurysm is due to infection caused by excessive use of drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines, which are responsible for damage of the blood vessels present in the brain.

Are the Size, Shape, And Location Same For All Aneurysms?

Brain aneurysms occur in different sizes, shapes, and locations.

  • Sizes
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Giant
  • Shape
  • Saccular with a perfect defined neck
  • Saccular with a wide neck
  • Fusiform without distinct neck
  • Location

The usual location of a brain aneurysm is within the brain structure. As the occurrence is deep, it becomes difficult for a neurosurgeon to perform the surgery. While approaching, the surgeon will carefully spread the brain tissue to expose the affected region. It is probable for an aneurysm to appear in the front or rear.

Do Brain Aneurysms Run In The Family?

Brain aneurysms might run in the families but it is very rare that a person is born with predisposition for a brain aneurysms. Familial link is one of the many risk factors associated with brain aneurysms but what makes it worse is that if you have an unhealthy life style; then the risk increases and the chances of formation of brain aneurysm is higher.

It is feasible to diagnose the presence of a brain aneurysm using computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography. The tests provide details related to the condition of an aneurysm, size, and location. Based on the severity, the physician will be in a position to assess the health and opt for treatment or surgery. In many cases, doctors often try to look for several ways to cure the condition using medications, as it becomes difficult to cure a brain aneurysm using the surgical procedure.

Is There A Chance For Further Occurrence?

If an individual has a brain aneurysm, then there is at least 20% chance that he or she will have one or more occurrences of the aneurysms. Additionally, it depends on the overall health and the lifestyle, as the risk factors can increase or decrease the presence of a brain aneurysm.


  1. Mayo Clinic: “Brain Aneurysm”: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/symptoms-causes/syc-20361483
  2. Risk Factors and Recurrence: Neurosurgery: “Risk Factors for Aneurysm Recurrence After Microsurgical Clipping”: https://journals.lww.com/neurosurgery/Abstract/2002/06000/Risk_Factors_for_Aneurysm_Recurrence_After.6.aspx
  3. Management and Treatment: Stroke: “Management of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms”: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STR.0b013e3182587839
  4. Hereditary Factors and Familial Risk: Neurosurgery: “Familial Intracranial Aneurysms”: https://journals.lww.com/neurosurgery/Abstract/2001/01000/Familial_Intracranial_Aneurysms.14.aspx

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 11, 2023

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