Mouth Cancer is also called oral cancer or oral cavity cancer. Cancer developing in any part of the mouth gets diagnosed as mouth cancer. Generally, the parts diagnosed with mouth cancer are lips, tongue, gums, inside lining of cheeks, the top portion and down portion of the mouth. The doctors examine the lips and mouth to detect the abnormalities such as irritation areas, sores, and white patches.
The doctor may remove a sample of cells from the suspicious area for lab testing. The testing procedure is called a biopsy. The sample of cells gets tested in the laboratory, and the experts analyze the cancer cells or detect the precancerous changes indicating the risk of cancer in the future.
After diagnosing report of the cancerous cells, the doctors analyze further to determine the extent or stage of cancer. Endoscopy and imaging tests like X-Rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT) scan, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans. The doctor determines the tests that would be appropriate for the patient.
Analyzing the test reports, the doctor suggests the best treatment options. The doctor suggests the best treatment option considering cancer’s location, stage, overall health condition, and personal preferences. The variety of treatment options includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
6 Treatments or Surgical Options for Mouth Cancer
Let’s learn about the different types of treatment or surgical options for treating mouth cancer.
Glossectomy is a surgical treatment used for removing tongue cancer. The mouth cancer surgeons may perform partial-glossectomy for smaller portion affected by cancer. If a large part of the tongue gets affected, the surgeon will remove a substantial part of the tongue. Tongue reconstruction is also a part of treatment in which the surgeons preserve the remaining part of the tongue and reconstruct it implementing innovative techniques to achieve the best functions, i.e., speaking and swallowing.
Mandibulectomy is the surgical technique of removing the cancer tumor in the lower gums and mouth floors. The surgical technique removes the affected part of the jawbone with the tumor closely attached to the bone. The surgeons remove the bone after analyzing the tumor location and size.
Maxillectomy surgery is for the removal of bones that make the hard palate of the mouth or the nasal sinuses. This surgery is perfect for treating mouth cancers that begin in the upper gums or the hard palate. Reconstructive surgery is perfect for filling up the space created in the mouth roof after the operation.
Lymph Node Removal During Mouth Cancer Surgery
Oral cancer spreads fast to the lymph nodes present in the neck. The surgeons may remove the lymph nodes while removing the mouth cancer. The lymph nodes may contain cancer, and the surgeons remove it to prevent future chances of cancer returning. Lymph node removal adjoins with cancers in the tongue, mouth floor, and lower gums. The experts implement the noninvasive technique of removing the lymph nodes to leave least effects of surgery.
Reconstructive Surgery for Mouth Cancer
After the removal of mouth tumors, the surgeons stitch the wound with dissolvable sutures. In some cases, the surgeons leave the wound to heal naturally. The surgeons may also implement skin graft/allograft for repairing the site. But, after removing large cancer tumors, the surgeons use reconstructive surgery for repairing the affected area. The reconstructive surgery involves transplantation of tissue from any area of the body to the affected area. The reconstructive and preserving technique implemented by the experts should be latest!
Dental Implants
If the mouth cancer surgeons remove the jawbone as a part of mouth cancer treatment, the life quality of the patient gets affected. To improve the life quality, the doctors suggest dental implants. In the process of dental implants, the surgeon implant metal posts attached to the jawbones. The replacement teeth get mounted on the metal posts.
The oncologists may suggest the mouth cancer patient for one type of treatment or a combination of surgical treatment after analyzing the patient’s condition. The surgeries for treating mouth cancer also carry a risk of bleeding and infection. The patient’s appearance will change after the surgery and the ability to speak, eat and swallow. The doctor can suggest you the best for further treatment to achieve the goal of curing cancer. The patients need to follow the advice which will help to cope up with the changes.
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