Diabetes is considered a persistent disorder that is terminal. It occurs whenever the pancreas is inefficient in secreting sufficient insulin or when the cells resist insulin. In both instances, blood sugar cannot enter the cells to get stored, leading to severe complications. Diabetes, in Ayurveda, is considered madhumey, being a part of the treatment where it suggests the restrictive intake of simple carbs and sugar. Proper management of diabetes is tough; however, it is not impossible. A bit of change to the lifestyle can aid in the maintenance and proper regulation of sugar. It is important to plan your diabetes diet, allowing you to understand the right forms of food to include in your diet.
There are varied forms of diabetes, and diabetes in individuals is never the same for all. The primary concern for individuals with Type 1 diabetes is estimating the number of carbs that a person should consume in each meal and matching these with the dosages of insulin or carb counting.
Individuals who suffer from Type 2 diabetes (1) and who are often overweight need to find the right way to lose weight, including consuming a low-carb healthy diet, very low-calorie diet, or Mediterranean diet under the supervision of medical personnel. It is imperative to lose the additional pounds that significantly enhance the proper management of diabetes. But, not all with Type 2 diabetes are overweight; therefore, maintaining your current weight or gaining weight can also be the goal.
5 Tips For Eating Healthy With Diabetes
1. Consuming An Adequate Amount of Red & Processed Meat
If you reduce your carb intake, you might start having huge portions of meat that will keep you full. However, getting this done with red and processed meat (3) like sausages, bacon, ham, lamb, and beef is never a good idea. These are the direct connection to cancers and heart-related issues.
Try switching the red and processed meat with the following:
- Leggs
- fish
- beans or lentils
- nuts that are unsaturated
- poultry like turkey and chicken
The peas, beans, and lentils have higher constituents of fiber and do not affect your glucose levels in the blood, making this a great switch from red and processed meat and keeping you full.
Some people know the importance of fish; however, oily fish such as mackerel and salmon are much better. They have rich omega-3 oil that helps in protecting your heart. Aim and try consuming two parts of oily fish in a week
2. Consume Less Salt
You are becoming prone to increased high blood pressure risks whenever you consume huge amounts of salt (4), which elevates the chances of a stroke or heart disease. If you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk for such conditions.
Try restricting yourself to a rate of 6g or one teaspoon of salt daily. Consuming more pre-packaged foods comprises a higher amount of salt, so always check the labels on food and pick the ones with less salt.
If you are cooking on your own, then you are doing it from scratch, which will assist you in keeping a watch on the amount of salt you consume. You can become innovative and try switching the salt with various herbs and spices for additional flavor.
3. Consume More Veg and Fruits
We understand that veggies and fruits are the best for you. It is always best to start aiming to consume more during meal times, and you can even consume them as snacks if you are hungry.
It will help you gain the adequate amount of vitamins, fiber, and minerals your body would require daily to help you stay healthier.
You might often wonder about fruits and whether you should avoid them since they are sugary. (5) Consuming whole fruit is the best option for all, and if you are diabetic, then there is no difference involved.
The fruits consist of sugar; however, it is natural sugar. It is completely different from added sugar, even free sugars, which are included in food items such as biscuits, chocolates, and cakes.
The products such as fruit juices even count as having added sugar, so always choose whole fruit. You can consider them frozen, fresh, tinned, or dried, not those added to syrup or juices. It is always best to consume them throughout the day instead of a bigger portion in one sitting.
4. Reducing the Consumption of Added Sugar
We understand that zeroing in on sugar is tough during the initial stages, so start by making the smaller practical switch that marks a great beginning when you try cutting down on greater sugar content. Switching sugary drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks with plain milk, water, coffee, and tea without adding sugar is a good start.
Try to get lower or have zero-calorie sweeteners,(6) even artificial sweeteners, to aid you in cutting back. Removing these added sugars will help you control the levels of blood glucose and can help you in keeping your weight under control.
However, suppose a part of your diabetes treatment involves getting hypoglycemia and using sugary drinks to treat such conditions, in that case, it is vital that you should not think of cutting it out. But, if you have regular hypoglycemia, then it is extremely vital to discuss this with your treating physician for diabetes.
5. Pick Those Healthy Fats
Everyone needs fat in their diet since it offers us energy. However, various forms of fat affect our health in various ways.
The healthier fats in foods like seeds, oily fish, unsalted nuts, grapeseed oils, olive oil, and sunflower oil are important. There are a few saturated fats(7) that can elevate the amount of your blood cholesterol levels, thereby making you prone to cardiovascular issues. These are generally found in the form of prepared foods and animal products like:
- Butter
- Red and processed meat
- Biscuits, cakes, pies, and pastries.
- Lard
However, it is a great idea to reduce oil usage generally, so try steaming, grilling, or baking foods instead.
It is essential to stay active physically as much as you can. Becoming proactive can help you in managing your diabetes along with reducing the chances of heart disease. Try working out in moderation for 150 minutes a week and spreading it over at least three or four times weekly.
You can break it down into bite-size portions for at least ten minutes. Try spending less time sitting down and having a regular active break just by getting up and heading out for a walk that benefits your mind and body.
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/study-puts-type-2-diabetes-into-remission
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/emotions/your-feelings-about-food-and-diabetes
- https://www.healthshots.com/healthy-eating/nutrition/5-healthy-diet-tips-to-manage-blood-sugar-levels/
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes/what-is-a-healthy-balanced-diet/processed-and-red-meat
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes/diabetes-food-myths/myth-fruit-diabetes
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/carbohydrates-and-diabetes/sugar-sweeteners-and-diabetes
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes#saturated%20fatt
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