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6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Curd and Oats Together

We are aware of the tremendous benefits that curd offers us. We also know about the health benefits of oats and that is why we add this superfood to our diet. However, there are also some positive health benefits of the combination of curd and oats. Let us take a deeper look at the six amazing health benefits of eating curd and oats together.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Curd and Oats Together

Nutrients Found in Curd and Oats:

Before we dive down to the list of health benefits that curd and oats offer together, we must have a glance at the nutrients present in these two superfoods.

Nutrients Found In Curd

Around 80% of curd is water. Curd is packed with protein and has a low amount of carbohydrates and lactose. Natural curd comprises around 25% of fat content. Curd is loaded with minerals like calcium and phosphorous, along with vitamin A, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Apart from all these, there are also rich amounts of organic acids, such as lactic acid, which help in the absorption of microminerals and nutrients.

Nutrients Found In Oats

Oats are known to have a  well-balanced nutritional composition. They contain a rich source of carbohydrates and also a fair amount of protein with proper amino acid balance. There is also a high content of oat lipids, mostly unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Some of the minerals present in oats are manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, and folate, and the vitamins include vitamin B1 or thiamin and vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid.

Apart from all these, oats are also known to have large amounts of beta-glucan or a type of soluble fiber that helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol levels.(1)

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Curd and Oats Together

Because of the abundant minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients found in curd and oats, when we take these two foods together, we can grab a lot of health benefits from them. That’s what makes them a famous and healthy combination among the global population.

  1. Exceptional Gut Health Benefits

    Curd is packed with probiotics that aid in keeping the gut healthy. Curd aids in promoting the growth of good bacteria and this, in turn, improves gut health and also accelerates the rate of metabolism, and helps in the loss of weight. Curd also helps in reducing acid reflux and helps in better nutrient absorption.  Oats are known to increase the growth of good bacteria in our digestive tract.(2) It is known that oats are loaded with soluble fiber and non-digestible carbohydrates, which, in turn, stimulate the growth of healthy or good bacteria in the gut or intestine.

    Thus, eating curd and oats together can also enhance your gut health.

  2. Beneficial For Weight Loss

    One more benefit of eating curd and oats together is that it is beneficial for weight loss. Curd can help in losing some extra pounds. Similarly, oats also benefits in weight loss. Oats give us an increased feeling of fullness.(2) Thus, we stop consuming unnecessary calories that might increase our body weight.

  3. Great For Cardiovascular Health

    It has been found that consuming curd is linked with improved cardiovascular health. This is because curd discourages the formation of cholesterol in the arterial region.

    Several studies have found that the presence of beta-glucan fiber in oats is extremely effective at reducing LDL or bad cholesterol and total cholesterol levels.(4) Thus, curd and oats together can be strongly beneficial for your cardiovascular health, since they reduce LDL, which prevents clogging up of arteries, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of heart strokes and improve cardiovascular health.

  4. Improves Bone Health

    Curd is rich in calcium and this makes it a boon for the bones and dental health. Similarly, oats also contain a high amount of calcium, copper, magnesium, and zinc, and all of these are essential for keeping your bones strong and healthy. The presence of copper, magnesium, and zinc in oats help your bones to be better able to absorb calcium and thus helps in enhancing bone health. Since curd and oats, both can improve bone health, eating both of them together can be great for bones.

  5. Strengthens Immunity

    It’s a well-known fact that the presence of probiotics in curd makes it a wonderful source to strengthen our immunity. It is a functional food that enhances our natural and acquired immunity and also improves stamina.(5) When we intake a bowl of oats daily, it might help us in keeping several diseases at bay. The significant amount of nutrients that oat contains, makes it a superfood. So, eating curd and oats together has the added benefit of strengthening immunity.

  6. It Is Easier For The Body To Absorb Nutrients

    It becomes easier for your body to absorb nutrients from the foods that we intake if we eat curd regularly. Oats are low in glycemic index and are also known to help the body in better nutrient absorption.

    So, when we eat curd and oats together, it becomes easier for our bodies to absorb nutrients.

Final Words

No matter if you are a fitness freak or someone who loves to stay healthy with healthy foods, eating a combination of curd and oats could be your holy grail. So, start having this combination in your breakfast and say goodbye to many of your health problems.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 26, 2022

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