Avoid These 15 Foods If Your Blood Is Too Thin

Blood in an individual can be thinner than normal for a number of reasons and one of the main concerns with this issue is the danger of bleeding to death in case of injury. People with unusually thin blood or people taking anticoagulants; which are medications commonly known as blood thinners, need to avoid certain foods that are known to further thin out the blood.

Avoid These 15 Foods If Your Blood Is Too Thin

The 15 natural blood thinners to avoid when your blood is already too thin; are as listed below.

Green Tea Leaves

Green tea is a naturally occurring blood thinner that might not be for everyone. Individuals who have been prescribed and take a regular dose of Warfarin, which is a pharmaceutical blood thinner, should avoid drinking green tea due to its blood thinning properties. This also includes individuals who have a medical condition characterized by thin blood, such as hemophilia. Aspirin and green tea is also a deadly combination in some cases, as they prevent blood from clotting and may result in unabated bleeding after an accident.


Fishes such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are mostly known for their health benefits. But for people with thin blood, these fishes can cause greater harm and can further prevent blood from clotting in the aftermath of an accident. This can lead to profuse and possibly fatal bleeding.

Red Wine

Red wine is technically a beverage, but makes an important part of the diet of certain people who like to drink a glass or two of wine with their meals. This may not be the best idea for those suffering from conditions, such as hemophilia which causes excessively thin blood. Red wine has blood thinning properties that have been proven by various studies and needs to be avoided by people whose blood is too thin.


Cinnamon, which is a very effective anticoagulant, is best left out of the diet of individuals who are afflicted by conditions characterized by thin blood and who are taking anticoagulant medications. Long term and excessive use of cinnamon can also lead to damaged liver, which is another reason to use this spice sparingly.


Turmeric is a food colorant and spice used in kitchens in many parts of the world; however, it is best avoided by people who have blood that is too thin or are on pharmaceutical blood thinners like Warfarin.


Delicious and rich with vitamin E; the downside of almonds and its high vitamin E content is most evident in people with dangerously thin blood. Vitamin E is a powerful anticoagulant and can impair blood clotting when it is most needed and hence should be avoided by people with thin blood or who are taking anticoagulant medications.

Cayenne Peppers

The high content of salicylates in cayenne peppers have a pronounced blood thinning effect, which is definitively detrimental to individuals with abnormally thin blood or those who are on prescribed blood thinning medications.


Ginger is a widely available spice used in food all over the world, but this popular root is best avoided by people with thin blood. Ginger contains acetyl salicylic acid, which is a blood thinning agent also found in aspirin.


While garlic has been long known to reduce blood pressure, it can be dangerous to those with abnormally thin blood because of its effectiveness as a blood thinning agent.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is well known as a healthy cooking oil and salad dressing oil with an abundance of antioxidants that prevent inflammation; however, these are the same properties that make olive oil an effective blood thinning dietary addition proving to be detrimental to people having blood that is already too thin.


Pineapple is a highly-favored tropical fruit, imported all over the world. However, the blood thinning properties of pineapple have been studied closely and this fruit has proven to be detrimental to those with blood conditions primarily characterized by thin blood.


Ginseng is considered a miracle root with the ability to cure a wide range of ailments in Asian herbal medicine. This could very well be true, but studies have proven without a doubt that Ginseng is a blood thinning agent that might not be suitable for consumption by people with thin blood or people who are taking anticoagulant medicines.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is widely touted for its calming effect and for being a rich source of antioxidants; however, this popular beverage is also a blood thinner that may not be suitable for all, especially people who have thin blood or those on anticoagulant medicines.


Kelp and other edible seaweeds are naturally occurring blood thinners. Doctors will almost always advice you to avoid kelp if your blood is too thin or you have been prescribed pharmaceutical anticoagulants.


Aspirin may not be a food, but is a popular over the counter medication used to treat headaches. Aspirin is known to negate blood clotting and is best avoided by people with hemophilia and other conditions characterized by thin blood.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 24, 2018

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