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Benefits and Drawbacks of Coconut Amnios

What is Coconut Amnios?

Coconut amnios is a healthful ingredient made by fermenting coconut palm sap with sea salt. It is dark brown in color and resembles soy sauce, but is a healthier alternative. It also tastes less salty than soy sauce and is a little sweeter.

Coconut amnios is a good low-salt substitute for soy sauce. It is sweeter, less salty, and less intense than soy sauce, therefore, the recipes may not taste the same. It can be added to rice, noodles, and vegetables and can also be used as a marinade or dipping sauce.

Benefits of Coconut Amnios

Benefits of Coconut Amnios

Fermented foods are known to be beneficial for gut health. However, a study suggests that there is not much evidence to determine the impact of fermented food on gut health.(1)

Studies show how beneficial is coconut oil, but the benefits of coconut amnios lack much research.(2)

The potential benefits of coconut amnios are as follows:

  1. It is Allergy Friendly

    Coconut amnios does not contain gluten, wheat, or soy. Therefore, it can be taken by people who are allergic to these or those who follow a diet that excludes these ingredients. But, a study shows, that those allergic to soy are allergic to coconut and walnuts as well.(3)

  2. Contains Lower Salt Than Soy Sauce

    According to the Dietary Guideline for Americans, the recommended salt intake should be less than 2300 mg per day, which is roughly 1 teaspoon.(4) According to the Food and Drugs Administration, Americans eat more salt than the recommended value.(5)

    Condiments and gravy are observed to make 3% of the daily intake.(4) If a person chooses low salt varieties for flavoring, it can be helpful in reducing the daily sodium intake.

    Coconut amnios contain less salt than soy sauce and can be used instead of it.

  3. Contains Amino Acid

    Coconut amnios contains several amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. These help in building muscles and hormone production.

    How much amino acid is present vary in between different brands of coconut amnios.

    Amino acids can otherwise be obtained from eggs, fish, meat, vegetables, and dairy foods.

Drawbacks of Coconut Amnios

There are not many drawbacks to using coconut amnios as an addition to food. A few of these include:

  • The cost of coconut amino is more than that of soy sauce.
  • It might be less in salt content than soy sauce but the salt content is still high.
  • It is not a nutrient-dense food, which means it does not fulfill the vitamin and mineral intake required by the body.(6)

Its flavor is a bit sweeter than soy sauce, therefore, its usage might depend on personal taste.

Coconut amnios is a condiment that can be used for flavoring recipes. It is similar to soy sauce, lighter in color, and a bit sweeter in taste and helps in reducing the overall salt content on the dish.

Coconut amnios is suitable for vegans and vegetarians and also for those allergic to soy and gluten.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 11, 2022

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